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单词 bake
bake/beik/ v [-d,-d /t/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 烤,烘,焙((cause to) cook by dry heat in an oven)[I T+n D+n+n D+n+prep(for)]:I'm going to~(bread) today. 我今天要烤制面包。The bread/cake is~ing (being~d).面包/蛋糕正在烤着。She~s well.她很会烤制食品。~potatoes/ham 烤土豆/火腿;~sb a birthday cake/a birthday cake for sb 给某人烤一个生日蛋糕;

(2) 烤干而变硬 ((cause to) become dry or hard by heating in the sun or other heat)[I T+n C+n+adj]:The pottery was left to~in the hot sun. 陶器放在炎热的太阳下烘晒。The bricks are~ing/are~d in the kilns/the sun. 砖在窑中/在太阳下焙烤。~clay containers 烘烤陶土容器;The sun~d the ground dry. 太阳把地面烤得很干。She~d the cake hard.她把蛋糕烤得很硬。

(3) 非常热 (be or become very hot) [I] (infml)(fig):It's~ing/a~ing day today. 今天太热了。I'm~ing in here/in this heat/in the sun. 我觉得这儿/这炎热的天气/太阳下热得像烤箱。

→′baker n 面包师傅;′bakery n 面包店;͵baking-′hot adj 酷热的;′baking-powder n (做面包等的)发酵粉;′baking n 烤制;烤的东西;′baked adj烤制的;

【说明】bake是在炉内“烤”,“烘”熟(面包、蛋糕等);roast是在炉内或火上“烤熟(肉、土豆等)”;toast是靠近火“烤”,“烘”(已熟的面包、干酪等)使之变焦黄;grill是用烤架在火下或火上方直接“烤”熟(肉片或鱼片等);fry是“油炸(煎)”;steam是用汽“蒸”熟;boil是用水“煮”熟(但不吃锅中的水);而stew是用水“炖”,“煨” 熟(连肉带汤都吃);simmer 是用温火“煨”熟;braise是用慢火(水中加油)“炖”熟(肉);而cook则是通用词,是用上述各种方式把食物加热至熟。(带下画线的动词可用作vtvi,其他仅可用作vt)。





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