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bendvt. 1. aim,point,turn,direct使瞄准,使…指向,使…转向,使针对。 △Ado.5.1. 39:“Yet bend not all the harm up-on yourself;”但也不要把伤害都集中在你自己身上。 △Ham.2.1.100 (97):“And to the last bended(= bent) theirlight on me.”他的眼光一直注视在我身上。 △Ham.3.4.115(116): “Alas. how is ’t with you,/ That you dobend your eye on vacancy,”唉,你怎么了,你怎么老是把眼睛向空中瞪着? △Lr.2.1.47 (45):“the revengive gods/’Gainst parricides did all the thunder bend,”疾恶如仇的神明把全部的雷火都对准了杀父的逆子。 △Lr.4.2.74:“bending his sword/To his great master,”拔剑对准他的尊贵的主人。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.8.58: “And. lords,towardsCoventry bend we our course,”诸位大人,我们要把进军路线转向考文垂。 △1H.Ⅳ.2.3. 47 (42): “Why dost thoubend thine eyes upon the earth,/ And start so oftenwhen thou sit’st alone?”为什么你总把眼睛盯着地面,你独自坐着时又常常惊跳起来? △1H.Ⅵ.1.1.12:“His sparklingeyes,replete with wrathful fire,/More dazzled anddrove back his enemies / Than midday sun fierce bentagainst their faces.”他那闪闪放光的双眼充满怒火,使得他的敌人目眩,把他们驱退,比那中午的骄阳直射他们脸上还要厉害。 △R.Ⅲ.4.5.17:“And towards London do they bendtheir power,/If by the way they be not fought with-al ”如果在路上不遭遇战斗,他们就把军队指向伦敦。 2. crook,knit (brows)使弯曲,皱起(眉头)。 bend one’s brows: knit the brow,frown,scowl皱紧双眉,皱眉蹙额,绷着脸。 △1H.Ⅵ. 5.3.34: “See how theugly witch doth bend her brows,/ As if,with Circe,she would change my shape!”看这个丑陋的女巫皱紧双眉,仿佛像喀耳刻一样,她能把我的形状也改变了似的! △3H.Ⅵ.5. 2.22: “And who durst smile when Warwick benthis brow?”沃里克皱起眉头时,谁敢笑一笑? 3. make... bow down使…低头。 △H.Ⅴ.1.2.224:“France being ours,we’ll bend it to our awe,”既然法兰西属于我们所有,我们就要叫它向我们的权威低头。 ~vi. 1. turn,direct,aim 转向,指向,瞄准。 △R.Ⅲ. 1. 2. 95:“The which thou once didst bend against her breast,/But that thy brothers beat aside the point.”你还用那刀对准她的胸膛,但你的兄弟们把刀尖拨开了。 2. incline,tend,turn倾向,转向。 △Ham. 1.2.55:“Mythoughts and wishes bend again toward France,”我的心思和意愿重新又倾向法国。 ~vb.refl. 1.direct oneself,turn,proceed使自己向某一方向移动,转向,行进。 bend you: direct your course 转移你的行动方向。 △1H.IV.5.5.35:“You,son John,and my cousinWestmoreland/Towards York shall bend you withyour dearest speed,”你,约翰我儿,还有威斯摩兰妹夫,你们要以最快速度转向约克前进。 2.submit,incline使顺从,使想要. △Ham.1.2.115:“And we beseech you bend you(= bend yourself) toremain /Here in the cheer and comfort of our eye,”我请你,一定要听从我的话,留在这里,使我能看见你而感到欣慰。Phrases: bend on: (used of eyes) direct to,turn to (bent.pa.p.)(眼睛)向着,转向。 △1H.IV.3.2.79: “Such as isbent on sunlike majesty/ When it shines seldom inadmiring eyes;”就像太阳一般的君王威仪,不轻易露面,一闪耀光芒就受到大家的目光带着敬佩去瞻仰。 bend under: submit to甘受。 △Ado.5.1.289 (276):“And yet,to satisfy this good old man,/I wouldbend under any heavy weight(i.e.any suffering)/That he’ll enjoin me to.”不过,为了满足这位好老人家,我甘愿接受他所提出的任何重罚。 bend up: strain to the utmost(as drawing a bow).make taut.strain.make ready(像拉弓一样)最大程度地绷紧.绷紧,尽量使用.准备好。 △H.V.3.1.16: “Hold hardthe breath,and bend up every spirit/To his(= its)full height.”屏住呼吸,把男子汉气概鼓得足足地。 △Mac1.7.79:“and bend up/Each corporal agent to thisterrible feat.”鼓起全身的力量来干这一件可怕的举动。 bend[bend]v.&n.屈服,鞠躬(表示谢意),弯曲 ◇ bend before (to)向…低头 be bend on 专业致志做… bend one’s efforts for 致力于 bend sb. to 使(…)屈服,屈从 bend the course 改变航道 bend the law 枉法 bend the law for person again and engage in fraud 徇私舞弊 bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends 徇私枉法 bend the rules 交通,通融 ‖ bent arm action 屈臂动作 bent arm attack 屈臂进攻 bent arm front rest 屈臂前撑 bent arm handstand 屈臂倒立 bent arm hang 屈臂悬垂 bent arm lateral raise 屈臂侧举 bent arm lateral 弯臂飞鸟动作,弯臂扩胸 bent arm leaning rest 屈臂卧撑 bent arm pull 屈臂划水 bent arm rest 屈臂撑 bent arm stroke屈臂划水 bent-arm support and swing backward 屈臂支撑接后摆 bent arm support walk 屈臂撑行进 bend back and turning 仰转 bend backward into a bridge 下腰 bend backward 后仰 bent-body back salto 屈体后空翻 bend down 折回 bent elbow 屈肘 bent elbow pull 屈臂划水 bent form 前屈姿势,上体前倾姿势 bend forward 前俯腰 bend forward and backward 甩 腰 bent-forward rowing 弓身划船 bent forward triceps press 弓身体侧屈伸臂 bend hanging屈臂悬垂,引体向上 bent hip ascent 第一腾空振浪 bent inverted hang 屈体倒悬垂 bent-knee position 屈膝微蹲 bent-knee sit-up屈膝仰卧起坐 bent leg 屈腿腾越 bent leg slide tackle 弯腿铲球 bent leg slide 屈腿滑垒 bent leg squat 屈腿腾越 bent napesupport 屈体胫背撑 bend of knee 屈膝 bend of leg 弓腿 bent over 颈后持铃弓身 bent-over lateral arm raise 弓身直臂持铃上举 bent-over lateral raise 俯身侧举 bent over rowing 弓身划船动作,俯身提拉 bent press 屈弓单臂推举,斜板推举 bent rowing划船动作 bent stand 半蹲 bend technique弯道技术 bend the knee 屈膝 bending and stretching of arms 急振臂屈伸 bending at the elbows 肘部弯曲 bending exercise 屈体练习 bending the arm with wrist turn 拉臂屈腕 bending the ball 使球旋转 |