释义 |
杀身成仁shā shēn chéng réndie to achieve virtue—die for a just cause; die a hero (/martyr)to a noble cause; have a glorious death ❍ 道静开始发现在自己的灵魂深处还有这么多不健康、这么多脆弱的地方——没有勇气斗争到最后一口气,却幻想能够很快~完成英雄的梦想。(杨沫《青春之歌》391) She had never really given up her naive longing for martyrdom,but now she realized that this was a symptom of an unhealthy weakness on the part of one who lacked the courage to fight to the last,and dreamed of dying a heroine./“~”,“舍生取义”,在必要的时候,对于多数共产党员来说,是被视为当然的事情。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》41) Most Communists consider it a matter of course to die for the sake of the cause,to lay down their life for justice,when that is necessary. ❍ 太平无事,闲人很多,偶有 “~,舍生取义” 的,本人也许忙得不暇检点,而活着的旁观者总会加以緜密的研究。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》99) The world is at peace,so idle people abound. Occasionally some“kill themselves for a noble cause”and may be too busy themselves to bother about other matters,but onlookers who remain alive can always carry out detailed researches. ❍ 志士、仁人,丢求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。(《论语·卫灵公》) The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their virtue complete. 杀身成仁dying to achieve virtue—dying for a just cause 杀身成仁sacrifice one’s life for the sake of virtue;die to achieve virtue;die for a just cause 杀身成仁shā shēn chénɡ rén成:成全;仁:指仁义。不惜牺牲自己的生命以成全仁义。现多指为实现崇高理想或维护正义事业,牺牲自己的生命。die for a just cause, die to achieve virtue, die a martyr to a noble cause |