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单词 奋发图强

奋发图强fèn fā tú qiáng

earnestly set oneself to engage in still more magnificent undertakings; go all out to make the country strong; work hard for the prosperity of the motherland; make the country prosperous by energetic endeavours;strive (work energetically) to make one’s country strong
❍ 西藏的巨大变化,是西藏人民~,艰苦奋斗的丰硕成果。The great changes in Tibet are solid fruits of the Tibetan people’s energetic endeavours and hard struggle.
❍ 讲到“自力更生,~,发展生产,重建家园” 时,总理讲一句,群众跟着说一句。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—204) When he spoke of the guiding principle of“relying on our own efforts,working with stamina and diligence,expanding production and rebuilding our homes,” the people repeated it phrase by phrase.


work with a pioneering spirit; go all out to achieve success; work hard for the prosperity of the nation;work with stamina and diligence
艰苦奋斗,~work hard for the prosperity of the Chinese nation

奋发图强fèn fā tú qiánɡ

图:谋求。振奋精神,设法强盛起来。work hard for the prosperity country, rise in greater vigour, go all out to make the country strong





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:32:47