释义 |
分崩离析fēn bēng lí xīcollapse; come (/fall)apart; crumble; disintegrate; disunite; fall to pieces ❍ 这个敌人的基础是虚弱的,它的内部~,它脱离人民,它有无法解脱的经济危机,因此,它是能够被战胜的。(《毛泽东选集》1250) This enemy has a weak and fragile foundation,he is disintegrating internally,he is alienated from the people,he is confronted with inextricable economic crises; therefore,he can be defeated. ❍ 老头子坐镇西南也无法控制大局的~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》510) Even the old man’s personal direction in the South-west could not prevent the general disintegration. ❍ 战争使全国~的局面变成了比较团结的局面。(《毛泽东选集》 346) The war has changed a disunited country into a relatively united one. ❍ 邦~,国不能守也。(《论语·季氏》) In his own territory there are divisions and down-falls,leavings and separations,and,with your help,he cannot preserve it. 分崩离析disintegrate;fall to pieces;come(or fall)apart;crumble 分崩离析fēn bēnɡ lí xī分崩:破裂;离析:散开。比喻国家或团体分裂瓦解,不可收拾。come apart, breaking up, fall to pieces, fall apart |