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单词 eye


1. look,glance,sight一看,一瞥,被看见的样子。
△Mac4. 3. 186: “your eye (i.e. the sight of you,or,yourglance) in Scotland / Would create soldiers,make ourwomen fight,”你只要到苏格兰一亮相(又译:看一眼),便能造就出无数战士,使得我们的妇女也起来作战。
2. sight,view眼界,视域。
△Tw. 2. 2. 16 (15):“there itlies,in your eye;”它就在你的眼前。
△H.VIII. 1. 1. 30:“him in eye / Still ( = always) him in praise,” i. eThe one in view was always the one praised. 谁出现在人们面前.谁就受到赞美。
3. presence面前。
△Ham. 4. 4. 6: “We shall expressour duty in his eye,” i. e. in his presence. 我也可以当面向他表示敬意。
4. scope,range,compass视域,范围,界限。
△Mer. 1. 1.137 (136): “And if it stand,as you yourself still do.Within the eve of honour.” 只要它(你的计划)跟你一向的立事行事一样,不出体面的范围。
5. bull’s eye,centre靶心,中心。
△H. V. 3. 7. 134 (119):“Have at the very eye of that proverb with A pox ofthe devil. ’”让我拿一句话来打中你这句俗话的要害:“让魔鬼遭瘟去吧!”
6. attention,keenness of eye-sight注意力,锐利的眼力。
△Ham. 4. 7. 100: “The scrimers of their nation / Heswore had neither motion,guard,nor eye,/ If youopposed them.”他发誓说,他们本国的剑术师若来和你交手.必定忘记了动作、招架,甚至连眼睛都要花了。
be in eye of: have an opportunity to see有机会见识到…
△Gent. 1. 3. 32: “And be in eye of every exerciseWorthy his youth and nobleness of birth.”可以观摩一切适于他的青春和高贵身份的种种活动。
eye of death: eye of mortal fear,eye filled with mor-tal fear怕得要死的眼神。
△1H.IV.1.3.143: “And onmy face he turned an eye of death,╱Trembling evenat the name of Mortimer.”(The king had much rea-son to fear Mortimer because the latter had a better title to the throne than his.)他那怕得要死的眼睛向我看了一下,一听到摩提麦的名字他就发起抖来。
heaven’s fiery eye: i.e. the sun天空中火红的眼睛,(即)太阳。
△L. L.L. 5. 2. 375 (374): “When we greet …heaven’s fiery eye,”我们举目观看那天上如火的骄阳。


vt. see看见。
△Wiv.5.5.54 (48): “no man theirworks must eye.”神仙做的事,凡人不得窥看。
~vi. appear to the eye 出现。
△Mid.3.2.20:“As wildgeese that the creeping fowler eye .”就像雁群发现了猎人蹑足走近一般。




n. 眼睛,视力,眼光,观点,见解/ v. 看,注视
◇ at eye level 眼平视,与眼平
beyond eyeshot 在视野外
eyeball to eyeball 面对面
in eyeshot of=within eyeshot of 在…视野内
‖ eye-and-ear method 眼耳法
eye-and-hand method 眼手法
eyeball bombing 目视轰炸
eyeball realism 眼球现实主义流派
eye black 睫毛膏
eye catcher 引人注意之物,广告画
eye dialect 视觉方言
eye estimate 目测
eye fidelity 保真度
eye flinch瞄准中眨眼
eye gauge 放大镜
eye glasses 眼镜
eye hole 眼窝
eye irritation眼刺激
eye lens 目镜
eye level 视平线
eye light 眼光
eye liner 眼线笔
eye measure 目测
eye movement 眼睛动作
eye music 视觉音乐
eye observation 目测
eye persistence 视觉惰性
eye piece 目镜
eye release 视距
eye response 眼睛反应
eye ring 吊环
eye sensitivity 视觉灵敏度
eye shade 雕刻防护眼罩
eye shadow 眼影
eye sight 视力
eye sketch 目测草图
eye socket 眼眶,眼窝
eye span 视幅
eye splice 绳端索眼
eye strain 视觉疲劳
eye thimble 眼环
eye to eye contact 目视联系
eye width 两眼距离
eye winker 眼睫
eye witness 目击者
to-eyeball combat 近距空战
eyes front 向前看
eyes left 向左看
eyes right 向右看
eyeable adj. 可见的,赏心悦目的
eye-account n. 记者见闻,目击记记者见闻
eyeball n. 眼球
eyeballing n. 目测
eyebrow n. 眉毛
eyebrow pencil 眉笔
eyecatcher n. 引人注目的人(物)/ eyecatching adj. 引人注目的
eyeful n. 满眼,美人儿
eyelash n. 睫毛
eyelens n. 目镜
adj. 无眼的
eyelet n.枪孔,枪眼
eyelid n. 眼皮
eye-loop n.弓弦扣
eyemark n. 目标
eye-opener n.很有启发之事物,令人十分惊奇之事物
eye-opening adj.令人十分惊奇的,很有启发的/- eye-piece n. 目镜
eye-point n. 出发号
eye-popping adj.使人吃惊的,惊人的
eye-reach n. 眼界,视野
eyeshot n.眼界,视野
eyesight n.视野,眼界,视力,见解
eyewitness n. 目击者,证人





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