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单词 线


❶ (用丝、棉、金属等制成的细长的东西) thread; string; wire: 棉[丝] ~ cotton [silk] thread; 铜 ~ copper wire; ~ 团 a ball of string; a reel of thread; 针眼太小 ~ 穿不进去。 The needle-eye is too small to hold the thread.
❷ {数} (一个点任意移动所构成的图形) line: 曲 ~ curve; curved line; 直 ~ straight line
❸ (用棉线做的) made of cotton thread: ~ 手套 cotton gloves; ~ 衣 ~ 裤 cotton knitwear
❹ (细长像线的东西) sth. shaped like a line, thread, etc.: 光 ~ ray; ~ 香 a slender stick of incense
❺ (交通路线) route; line: 长大 ~ the Changchun-Dalian Railway (line); 供应 ~ supply route [line]; 航 ~ airline or shipping line; 铁道 ~ railway line
❻ (边缘交界的地方) demarcation line; boundary: 边界 ~ boundary line; 海岸 ~ coastline; 军事分界 ~ military demarcation line
❼ (所接近的某种边际) brink; verge: 生命 ~ lifeline; lifeblood; 在饥饿 ~ 上 on the brink of starvation; 在死亡 ~ 上 on the verge of death
❽ (思想上、政治上的路线) (political) line: 上纲上 ~ raise to a higher plane of principle and two-line struggle
❾ (线索) clue; thread: 案子的 ~ 儿断了。 The clue could not be followed up. Ⅱ (用于抽象事物, 数词限用“一”): 一 ~ 光明 a gleam of light; 一 ~ 生机 a slim chance of life; 一 ~ 希望 a ray [gleam] of hope
◆线包 coil; solenoid; 线棒绝缘 bar insulation; 线飑 line squall; 线材 wire stock; {冶} wire rod; 线槽 wire casing; {电} slot; trunking; 线虫 nematode; nemathel ̄ minth; oat nematode; nematoid; threadworm; 线春 a silk fabric with a geometric design (for spring wear); 线丛 complex; line complex; line bundle; 线钉 tailor's tack; 线段 {数} segment; line segment; 线夹 cable clamp; fastener; amphenol connector; clip; cable cleat; 线脚 [方] stitch; {建} skintled brick work; mold; 线锯 {机} jigsaw; scroll saw; fret-saw; 线括号 {数} vinculum; 线路 {电} circuit; line; {交} line; route; 线路加密 link to link encipherment; 线圈 {电} coil; 线束 {数} pencil; harness; line pencil; pencil of lines; 线数 line number; 线松驰法 line relaxation method; 线索 clue; thread; clew; 线毯 cotton blanket; thread blanket; 线条 {美术} line (in drawing); lines; figure; 线同步 line locking; 线头 the end of a thread; an odd piece of thread; thrum; 线图 diagram; graph; line graph; 线团 a ball of string; a reel of thread; clew; knob; 线袜 cotton socks; 线网 gauze; net; grib; wiring; 线务员 {讯} lineman; 线香 a slender stick of incense; joss-stick; 线芯 core of conductor; wire core; 线性指标 linear indicators; 线叶草 tallowweed; 线衣 cotton knitwear; 线鱼 cobble; 线匝 coil of wire; 线轴(儿) a reel for thread; bobbin; a reel of thread; a spool of thread; 线装 thread stitching; sewed; sewn; traditional thread binding







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