释义 |
紧(緊)jǐnⅠ ❶ (物体受到几方面的拉力或压力以后呈现的紧张状态) taut;tight: 把绳子拉 ~ pull the rope taut; 弓弦绷得很 ~。 The bowstring is stretched taut. ❷ (物体受外力作用变得固定或牢固) fast;firm: 把螺丝拧 ~ tighten the screw; 把门关 ~ make the door fast;~ 握手中枪 hold one's gun with a firm grip ❸ (事物之间非常接近;空隙极小) close;tight: 那两家铺子 ~ 挨着。 The two shops are next to each other. 全国人民团结 ~。 The whole nation is closely united. 日程安排得很 ~。 The programme is packed. 他住在我的 ~ 隔壁。 He lives right next door to me. 这抽屉太 ~ 了,我打不开。 The drawer is so tight that I can't open it. 这双鞋我穿太 ~ 了。 These shoes are too tight for me. ❹ (动作先后密切接连;事情急迫) urgent;pressing;tense: 风刮得很 ~。 The wind blows hard. 风声 ~。 Things are tense. 枪声越来越 ~。 The firing got heavier and heavier. 任务 ~。 The task is urgent. 时间很 ~。 Time is pressing. 一个胜利 ~ 接着一个胜利。 One victory followed another in quick succession. ❺ (严格) strict;stringent: 管得 ~ exercise strict control;be strict with ❻ (经济不宽裕;拮据) hard up;short of money: 手头 ~ be short of money;be hard up; 银根 ~。 Money is tight. Ⅱ (使紧) tighten: ~ 螺母 tighten the nut;~ 一 ~ 背包带 tighten the knapsack straps ◆紧逼 press hard;close in on; 紧凑 compact;terse;well-knit;tight; 紧跟 follow closely;keep in step with;keep up with;tread on the heels of; 紧箍咒 the Incantation of the Golden Hoop,used by the Monk in the novel Pilgrimage to the West (《西游记》) to keep the Monkey King under control; 紧固 {设计} fastening;fixture; 紧急 urgent;pressing;critical;emergent;pressure;emergency;urgency; 紧紧 closely;firmly;tightly; 紧靠 adjoin; 紧邻 close neighbour;adjoining neighbour;next-door neighbour; 紧锣密鼓 wildly beating gongs and drums;(amid) a din of drums and gongs;intense publicity campaign in preparation for some sinister undertaking,etc.; 紧密 close together;inseparable;thick and fast;rapid and intense; 紧配合 {机} close fit;flush fit;interference fit;tight fit;driven fit; 紧迫 urgent;pressing;imminent; 紧俏商品[货] commodities [goods] in short supply;goods in great demand;hard-to-get commodities; 紧俏物品 badly needed [hard-to-find;scarce] goods; 紧缺商品 commodities in short supply; 紧缩 reduce;retrench;tighten;cut down;striction;retrenchment;condensation; 紧缩开支 retrench money policy; 紧缩银根政策 tight money policy; 紧握 grip;anchor-hold;hold;grasp;handhold; 紧要 critical;crucial;vital;important; 紧要关头 at the critical juncture [moment];critical moment;critical point;crucial moment;in [at] the nick of time; 紧张 nervous;keyed up;tense;intense;strained;hectic;jettery;in short supply;tight;{医} tension;tone;tonus;tautness;ademonia; 紧致性 compactness; 紧追 hot pursuit |