机械jī xièMachinery安装 [ān zhuānɡ] assemble 扳手 [bān shǒu] wrench 半机械化 [bàn jī xiè huà] semi-mechanization; semi-mechanized 半自动滚刀磨床 [bàn zì dònɡ ɡǔn dāo mó chuánɡ] semi-automatic hob grinder 半自动化 [bàn zì dònɡ huà] semi-automation; semi-automatic 备件 [bèi jiàn] spare parts 边刨床 [biān bào chuánɡ] side planer 变速箱 [biàn sù xiānɡ] transmission gear; gear box 柄轴 [bǐnɡ zhóu] arbor 部件 [bù jiàn] units; assembly parts 插床 [chā chuánɡ] slotting machine 拆卸 [chāi xiè] disassemble 超高速内圆磨床 [chāo ɡāo sù nèi yuán mó chuánɡ] ultra-high-speed internal grinder 车床 [chē chuánɡ] (turning) lathe 车刀 [chē dāo] lathe tool 车轮车床 [chē lún chē chuánɡ] car wheel lathe 车削 [chē xiāo] turning 车轴 [chē zhóu] axle 衬套 [chèn tào] bushing 齿轮 [chǐ lún] gear 齿轮铣床 [chǐ lún xǐ chuánɡ] gear-wheel miller; gear-wheel milling machine 齿轮箱 [chǐ lún xiānɡ] gear box 齿轮箱车床 [chǐ lún xiānɡ chē chuánɡ] geared head engine lathe 齿轮钻床 [chǐ lún zuàn chuánɡ] geared drill 冲床 [chōnɡ chuánɡ] punching machine 冲孔 [chōnɡ kǒnɡ] punching 传送带 [chuán sònɡ dài] conveyer belt 床 [chuánɡ] bed 锤 [chuí] hammer 粗加工 [cū jiā ɡōnɡ] rough treatment 淬火 [cuì huǒ] quenching 锉 [cuò] file 打毛刺 [dǎ máo cì] burring 大件装配工场 [dà jiàn zhuānɡ pèi ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] shop for assembling big parts 单轴铣床 [dān zhóu xǐ chuánɡ] single spindle miller 刀架 [dāo jià] tool post 刀具 [dāo jù] cutting tool 刀具柄 [dāo jù bǐnɡ] tool holder 刀头 [dāo tóu] tool bit 倒棱 [dào lénɡ] chamfering 垫圈 [diàn quān] washer 电镀 [diàn dù] electroplating 电光追踪自动切割机 [diàn ɡuānɡ zhuī zōnɡ zì dònɡ qiē ɡē jī] photoelectric tracing automatic shearing machine 电焊 [diàn hàn] electrical welding 电焊机 [diàn hàn jī] welding machine 电火花加工 [diàn huǒ huā jiā ɡōnɡ] electric spark processing 电解切削 [diàn jiě qiē xuē] electrolytic cutting 锻工工场 [duàn ɡōnɡ ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] blacksmith/forge shop 对头焊法 [duì tou hàn fǎ] butt welding process 多位联动车床 [duō wèi lián dònɡ chē chuánɡ] multi-position lathe 多轴钻床 [duō zhóu zuàn chuánɡ] multi-spindle drill 阀门 [fá mén] valve 翻砂工场 [fān shā ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] foundry 防锈 [fánɡ xiù] rust prevention 仿形车床 [fǎnɡ xínɡ chē chuánɡ] copying lathe 辅助工场 [fǔ zhù ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] auxiliary shop 复式板刨床 [fù shì bǎn bào chuánɡ] duplex plate planer 复式牛头刨床 [fù shì niú tóu bào chuánɡ] double shaper 附件 [fù jiàn] parts 钢型 [ɡānɡ xínɡ] die 高速车床 [ɡāo sù chē chuánɡ] high speed lathe 高速多刃切削法 [ɡāo sù duō rèn qiē xuē fǎ] high-speed and multi-tool cutting method 高速切削法 [ɡāo sù qiē xuē fǎ] high-speed metal cutting 工件 [ɡōnɡ jiàn] workpiece 工具工场 [ɡōnɡ jù ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] tool shop 攻螺丝 [ɡōnɡ luó sī] tapping 公差 [ɡōnɡ chā] tolerance 弓锯 [ɡōnɡ jù] hack-saw 规块 [ɡuī kuài] gauge block 滚丝机 [ɡǔn sī jī] thread rolling machine 滚针轴承 [ɡǔn zhēn zhóu chénɡ] needle-bearing 滚珠轴承 [ɡǔn zhū zhóu chénɡ] ball-bearing 滚珠座圈 [ɡǔn zhū zuò quān] ball bearing race 滑车 [huá chē] pulley 回火 [huí huǒ] tempering 回转式钻床 [huí zhuǎn shì zuàn chuánɡ] rotary drill 回转铣床 [huí zhuǎn xǐ chuánɡ] rotary miller 机床 [jī chuánɡ] machine tool 机动车床 [jī dònɡ chē chuánɡ] engine lathe 机器损耗 [jī qì sǔn hào] depreciation of machinery 机器制造工业 [jī qì zhì zào ɡōnɡ yè] machine-building industry 机械化 [jī xiè huà] mechanization; mechanized 夹具 [jiā jù] jig 夹盘 [jiā pán] chuck; clamp 检修 [jiǎn xiū] overhaul 铰刀 [jiǎo dāo] reamer 铰孔 [jiǎo kǒnɡ] reaming 角尺 [jiǎo chǐ] angle square 金属切削机床 [jīn shǔ qiē xiāo jī chuánɡ] metal-cutting machine tool 进刀 [jìn dāo] feed 进给 [jìn jǐ] feed 进料器 [jìn liào qì] feeder 精加工 [jīnɡ jiā ɡōnɡ] fine treatment 精密车床 [jīnɡ mì chē chuánɡ] precision lathe 精密机床 [jīnɡ mì jī chuánɡ] precision machine tool 精密模板镗床 [jīnɡ mì mú bǎn tánɡ chuánɡ] borer for manufacturing precision gauge block 锯床 [jù chuánɡ] sawing machine 卡尺 [kǎ chǐ] caliper 卡盘 [kǎ pán] chuck; clamp 刻度盘 [kè dù pán] indexing plate 拉床 [lā chuánɡ] broaching machine 拉刀 [lā dāo] broach 榔头 [lánɡ tou] hammer 老虎钳 [lǎo hǔ qián] vice; vise 冷锻工场 [lěnɡ duàn ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] cold hammering shop 冷加工 [lěnɡ jiā ɡōnɡ] cold working 冷却 [lěnɡ què] cooling 冷压 [lěnɡ yā] cold pressing 立式车床 [lì shì chē chuánɡ] vertical lathe 立式刨床 [lì shì bào chuánɡ] vertical planer 立式铣床 [lì shì xǐ chuánɡ] vertical miller 立式转刨床 [lì shì zhuàn bào chuánɡ] vertical rotary planer 立式钻床 [lì shì zuàn chuánɡ] vertical drill 立式镗床 [lì shì tánɡ chuánɡ] vertical borer 立体仿形铣床 [lì tǐ fǎnɡ xínɡ xǐ chuánɡ] three-dimension copy miller 连续生产线 [lián xù shēnɡ chǎn xiàn] serial production line 连续自动生产线 [lián xù zì dònɡ shēnɡ chǎn xiàn] serial automatic production line 量规 [liánɡ ɡuī] gauge 量具工场 [liánɡ jù ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] measuring gauge shop 量具刃具 [liánɡ jù rèn jù] measuring instruments and cutting tools 量块 [liánɡ kuài] gauge block 零件 [línɡ jiàn] parts 灵敏钻床 [línɡ mǐn zuàn chuánɡ] sensitive drill 龙门刨床 [lónɡ mén bào chuánɡ] table planer 龙门铣床 [lónɡ mén xǐ chuánɡ] plane miller; plane-milling machine 轮轴 [lún zhóu] axle 螺丝 [luó sī] screw 螺丝磨床 [luó sī mó chuánɡ] screw grinder 螺丝起子 [luó sī qǐ zi] screwdriver 螺纹车床 [luó wén chē chuánɡ] screw cutting lathe 螺纹规 [luó wén ɡuī] thread gauge 螺纹切削 [luó wén qiē xuē] screw/thread cutting 螺纹铣床 [luó wén xǐ chuánɡ] thread miller 铆接 [mǎo jiē] riveting 磨床 [mó chuánɡ] grinding machine; grinder 磨削 [mó xuē] grinding 木工工场 [mù ɡōnɡ ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] carpentry workshop 内圆磨床 [nèi yuán mó chuánɡ] internal grinder 牛头刨床 [niú tóu bào chuánɡ] shaper; shaping machine 盘簧 [pán huánɡ] coiled spring 抛光 [pāo ɡuānɡ] polishing; burnish 刨 [bào] shaping; planing 刨床 [bào chuánɡ] planing and shaping machine; planer 刨刀 [bào dāo] planer tool 配件 [pèi jiàn] fittings 喷漆 [pēn qī] spray painting 疲劳 [pí láo] fatigue 皮带车床 [pí dài chē chuánɡ] pulley lathe 偏心车床 [piān xīn chē chuánɡ] eccentric lathe 平面磨床 [pínɡ miàn mó chuánɡ] surface grinder 平面铣床 [pínɡ miàn xǐ chuánɡ] surface miller; surface milling machine 气锤 [qì chuí] steam hammer 汽缸车床 [qì ɡānɡ chē chuánɡ] cylinder lathe 千分尺 [qiān fēn chǐ] micrometer 潜孔钻 [qián kǒnɡ zuàn] down-the-hole drill 切削 [qiē xuē] cutting 切削寿命 [qiē xuē shòu mìnɡ] working durability; service life 球磨床 [qiú mó chuánɡ] ball grinder 曲轴 [qū zhóu] crankshaft 曲轴车床 [qū zhóu chē chuánɡ] crankshaft lathe 去毛口 [qù máo kǒu] burring 去氧 [qù yǎnɡ] deoxidizing 全误差式齿轮单面啮合检查仪绞车 [quán wù chā shì chǐ lún dān miàn niè hé jiǎn chá yí jiǎo chē] whole tolerance single-side mating gear detector winch 热处理 [rè chǔ lǐ] heat treatment 热处理工场 [rè chǔ lǐ ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] heat treatment shop 热加工 [rè jiā ɡōnɡ] hot working 热压工场 [rè yā ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] hot stamping shop 熔化 [rónɡ huà] fusing 蠕变 [rú biàn] creep 润滑 [rùn huá] lubricating 砂轮 [shā lún] emery wheel; grinding wheel 十二公尺深孔钻床 [shí èr ɡōnɡ chǐ shēn kǒnɡ zuàn chuánɡ] 12-metre-deep hole drill 实验工场 [shí yàn ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] laboratory shop 手钳 [shǒu qián] pliers 双面刨床 [shuānɡ miàn bào chuánɡ] double face planer 双轴镗床 [shuānɡ zhóu tánɡ chuánɡ] two-spindle borer 水力千斤顶 [shuǐ lì qiān jīn dǐnɡ] hydraulic jack 丝杠车床 [sī ɡànɡ chē chuánɡ] leading screw lathe 四工位高效率螺帽冷镦机 [sì ɡōnɡ wèi ɡāo xiào lǜ luó mào lěnɡ dūn jī] high-efficiency four-operation cold header 台式铣床 [tái shì xǐ chuánɡ] bench miller 台式钻床 [tái shì zuàn chuánɡ] bench type drill 镗床 [tánɡ chuánɡ] boring machine; borer 镗刀 [tánɡ dāo] boring cutter 镗孔 [tánɡ kǒnɡ] boring 镗孔刀 [tánɡ kǒnɡ dāo] hole boring cutter 铜工工场 [tónɡ ɡōnɡ ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] coppersmith shop 涂料 [tú liào] coating 退火 [tuì huǒ] annealing 外圆磨床 [wài yuán mó chuánɡ] external grinder 万能车床 [wàn nénɡ chē chuánɡ] universal lathe 万能工具磨床 [wàn nénɡ ɡōnɡ jù mó chuánɡ] universal tool and cutter grinder 万能工作夹具 [wàn nénɡ ɡōnɡ zuò jiā jù] universal fixture 万能内磨床 [wàn nénɡ nèi mó chuánɡ] universal internal grinder 万能牛头刨床 [wàn nénɡ niú tóu bào chuánɡ] universal shaper 万能铣床 [wàn nénɡ xǐ chuánɡ] universal miller 万能摇臂钻床 [wàn nénɡ yáo bì zuàn chuánɡ] universal radial drill 微型轴承 [wēi xínɡ zhóu chénɡ] micro-bearing 卧式车床 [wò shì chē chuánɡ] horizontal lathe 卧式铣床 [wò shì xǐ chuánɡ] horizontal miller 卧式镗床 [wò shì tánɡ chuánɡ] horizontal borer 卧式镗钻床 [wò shì tánɡ zuàn chuánɡ] horizontal boring and drilling machine 无切削工艺 [wú qiē xuē ɡōnɡ yì] chipless metal working 无损探伤仪 [wú sǔn tàn shānɡ yí] defect detector 误差 [wù chā] error 铣 [xǐ] milling 铣槽 [xǐ cáo] channelling 铣槽刀 [xǐ cáo dāo] channelling/grooving cutter 铣床 [xǐ chuánɡ] milling machine; miller 铣刀 [xǐ dāo] milling cutter 心轴 [xīn zhóu] spindle 修配工场 [xiū pèi ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] repair shop 旋臂钻床 [xuán bì zuàn chuánɡ] radial drill 压花 [yā huā] knurling 压印 [yā yìn] stamping 验方角尺 [yàn fānɡ jiǎo chǐ] trial square 氧化 [yǎnɡ huà] oxidizing 遥测 [yáo cè] telemetering 遥控 [yáo kònɡ] remote control; telemechanics 液压刨床 [yè yā bào chuánɡ] hydraulic planer 硬化 [yìnɡ huà] hardening 硬模 [yìnɡ mó] die 油漆工场 [yóu qī ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] paint shop 有缝夹套 [yǒu fènɡ jiā tào] collet 圆规 [yuán ɡuī] compass 圆铣床 [yuán xǐ chuánɡ] circular miller 凿 [záo] chisel 辗压设备 [niǎn yā shè bèi] rolled metal equipment 正常煨火 [zhènɡ chánɡ wēi huǒ] normalizing 指轴 [zhǐ zhóu] spindle 制模工场 [zhì mú ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] pattern shop 重型车床 [zhònɡ xínɡ chē chuánɡ] heavy duty lathe 重型机床 [zhònɡ xínɡ jī chuánɡ] heavy machine tool 轴 [zhóu] shaft; axle 轴承 [zhóu chénɡ] bearing 轴套 [zhóu tào] shaft housing 轴瓦 [zhóu wǎ] bushing 主轴 [zhǔ zhóu] main shaft; perch 铸件和锻件 [zhù jiàn hé duàn jiàn] castings and forgings 铸造工场 [zhù zào ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] foundry 铸造设备 [zhù zào shè bèi] foundry equipment 转塔式六角车床 [zhuàn tǎ shì liù jiǎo chē chuánɡ] turret lathe 装配工场 [zhuānɡ pèi ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] assembly/fitting shop 自动车床 [zì dònɡ chē chuánɡ] automatic lathe 自动等离子电弧切割机 [zì dònɡ děnɡ lí zǐ diàn hú qiē ɡē jī] automatic plasmic arc cutting machine 自动过程控制机床 [zì dònɡ ɡuò chénɡ kònɡ zhì jī chuánɡ] automatic program-controlled machine tool 自动过程控制铣床 [zì dònɡ ɡuò chénɡ kònɡ zhì xǐ chuánɡ] automatic program-controlled miller 自动化 [zì dònɡ huà] automation; automatic 自动进料器 [zì dònɡ jìn liào qì] automatic feeder 自动磨床 [zì dònɡ mó chuánɡ] self-acting grinding machine 总装配线 [zǒnɡ zhuānɡ pèi xiàn] general assembly line 钻床 [zuàn chuánɡ] drill machine 钻孔 [zuān kǒnɡ] drilling 钻模 [zuàn mó] jig 钻模钻床 [zuàn mó zuàn chuánɡ] jig drill 坐标磨床 [zuò biāo mó chuánɡ] jig grinder 坐标镗床 [zuò biāo tánɡ chuánɡ] jig borer 机械❶machinery;machine;mechanism ❷mechanical;inflexible;rigid 农业~agricultural machinery/~故障mechanical failure;mechanical breakdown/~地照搬别人的经验mechanically copy others’experience/~工程mechanical engineering |