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单词 chance


△Mer.3.2.132:“Chance as fair,and choose as true:” i.e.May you always have suchgood fortune and choose as well,as on this occasion.愿你常有这样的好运,选择得这么准(如这次一样)。
△1H.Ⅳ. 1.3.94:“He never did fall off,my sovereign liege,/But by the chance of war;”(Proverb:“The chance ofwar is uncertain.”胜败乃兵家常事。)他从来也没有反叛,最高的主上,只是战争的变化胜败无常而已。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.4.3:“Have I sought every country far and near,/ And,now it is my chance to find thee out,”我在全国各地远远近近到处寻找,现在才算找到了你。
2. possibility of good or bad fortune,eventuality可能性,最终结果。
△Lr.3.7.79:“Nay then,come on,andtake the chance of anger,” the risk of fight-ing with an angry man. 那么,来吧,冒冒义愤的险吧。
△2H.Ⅳ.1.1.167:“And summed the account ofchance before you said,/‘Let us make head.’”在你说“让我们把军队召集起来吧”之前,你已经把一切可能性的总账都合计过了。
3. accident机运。
chance’s mocks: ironic tricks played by accidents机运的嘲弄。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.1.51:“how chance’s mocks/Andchanges fill the cup of alteration/With divers liq-uors!”机运的嘲弄和多变在怎样地给人生的杯子注入了不同的酒浆! (按: chance’s mocks又作chances mock 。)
4.piece of good fortune好运。
△Lr.1.1.259(256):“Thy dowerless daughter,King,thrown to mychance,” i.e. fallen to my lot. 陛下,你的没有嫁妆的女儿被抛在一边,正好成全我的良缘。
△Lr.5.3.267(266):“If itbe so,/It is a chance which does redeem all sorrows/That ever I have felt.”要是果真如此,这种幸运足以补偿我历来所受到的悲痛。
△Tw.1.2.8:“and tocomfort you with chance,”并且为了以幸运(又译:侥幸的希望)安慰你自己起见。
5. event,occurrence事件,事故。
△Rom.5.3.145:“Ah,what an unkind hour/Is guilty of this lamenta-ble chance!”啊,多么残酷的时辰,造成了这场悲惨的事件!
△Ham.5.2.348 (334): “You that look pale,andtremble at this chance.”看见这一变故而吓得脸色发白,浑身发抖的你们各位。
△Mac.2.3.98(91):“Had I but diedan hour before this chance,/I had lived a blessedtime;”i.e.If only I had died an hour before this ac-cident,I should have lived a happy life.我若是在这意外事件之前一小时死了,倒是活过了幸福的一生。
△3H.Ⅵ.2.5.107:“How will the country,for these woefulchances,/Misthink the King and not be satisfied!”为了这些悲惨事件,不知全国人要把国王想得多么坏而永不满意!
6. issue结果。
main chance: general issue,chief issue总的结果,主要的结果。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.1.82:“The which observed,a manmay prophesy,/With a near aim,of the main chanceof things/As yet not come to life.”观察到这一点,一个人就可以,用接近实际的推测,预言那些尚未发生的事物的总的结果。
7. mischance,misfortune,unfortunate event不幸,灾祸,不幸事件。
△Oth.1.3.134:“Wherein I spake(=spoke)of most disastrous chances;”这其间我讲过一些最惨的灾祸。
△Ado.5.1.38:“And made a push atchance and sufferance.”i.e.disregarded misfortuneand suffering.蔑视着不幸和痛苦。
△1H.Ⅵ.1.4.72:“What chance is this that suddenly hath crossed us?”这是什么飞来横祸打击我们?
8. fortune; misfortune命运;(又解)灾难。
△Oth.4.1.278 (267):“dart of chance”,命运(又译:灾难)的箭矢。


vi. come to pass,come about,happen,occur发生,偶然发生,出现。
△Com.1.2.42:“How chancethou art returned so soon?”你怎么这么快就回来了?
△Mid.1.1.129:“How chance (does it come aboutthat) the roses there do fade so fast?”你脸上的玫瑰怎么凋谢得这样快?
△Rom. 3.3.169(170): “And he shallsignify from time to time/Every good hap to youthat chances here.”他会随时把这里发生的好消息通知给你。
△Ham.1.4.23:“So,oft it chances in particularmen,” often happens in individuals.在个人方面也往往发生这样的事。
△Ham.2.2.352(329):“Howchances it they travel?” i.e. How does it happen thatthey are on the move?他们怎么出来卖艺呢? (又译:他们怎么跑起码头来了?
△3H.Ⅵ.5.5.65:“But if you everchance to have a child.”但是即使你们也许会有一个孩子…。Phrases:
how chance: how chances it that,how does it come about that,how is it that这是怎么发生的?这是怎么回事?这是怎么了?
△2H.Ⅳ.4.4.20:“How chance thou artnot with the Prince thy brother?”你怎么不跟你的亲王哥哥在一起?
△R.Ⅲ.4.2.99(100):“How chance theprophet(i.e.Henry Ⅵ)could not,at that time./Have told me,I being by,that I should kill him?”究竟怎么回事,那时候我就在旁边,那位预言家为什么不告诉我应该杀死他?
is chanced: has happened已经发生。
△2H.IV.1.1.85:“He that but fears the thing he would not knowHath by instinct knowledge from others’eyes/Thatwhat he feared is chanced.”一个人只要担心一件他所不愿知道的事情,他靠着本能就从别人的眼睛里了解到他所担心的事情已经发生了。


ad. by chance,perchance,possibly偶然,或许,可能地。
△2H.IV.2.1.13 (11): “It may chance costsome of us our lives,for he will stab.”这么一来,我们当中有的人或许会丢了性命,因为他要拔刀子捅人。
△Ado.2.3.255 (235): “I may chance have some odd quirks andremnants of wit broken on me,”我可能要听到一些奚落和俏皮话。


n. 机会,机遇,可能性,偶然性,偶然事件,运气 v. 碰巧,偶然发生,冒险 adj.偶然的
◇ an off chance 很小的可能
as it may chance看当时情况
by any chance =by some chance 碰巧,万一
by chance 偶然
chance on (upon)碰巧遇见,偶然发现
chance one’s arm=chance it 冒险一试,碰碰运气
on the chance of 期望,侥幸
on the off chance 希望
not a dog’s chance 一点机会也没有
run a chance of 有…的希望
stand a good chance大有希望
stand no chance 没有希望
take a chance 碰碰运气,冒险
take one’s chance 碰运气
‖ chance ball 机会球
chance cause 机会成因
chance distribution 随机分布
chance distribution 随机分布
chance error 机遇误差
chance factor 机遇因素
chance failure 意外事故
chance maker 善于创造机会的队
chance medley 过失伤害,过失杀人
chance music 机遇音乐
chance ratio 机遇比
chance success 机遇成功
chance variable 机遇变量
chance variation 机遇变异
chance verdict 偶然判决
chanciness n. 不确定性,偶然性
chancy adj. 不确定的,危险的





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