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❶ (熄灭) (of a light or fire) go out: 火 ~ 了。 The fire has gone out. 煤油灯闪了闪就 ~ 了。 With a flash, the kerosene lamp went out.
❷ (使熄灭) extinguish; put out; turn off: ~ 灯 turn off the light; blow out the lamp; 扑 ~ extinguish a fire
❸ (淹没) submerge; inundate; drown: ~ 顶 be drowned
❹ (消灭; 灭亡) destroy; perish: 自 ~ perish of itself; run its course; 破 ~ be destroyed
❺ (使不存在; 使消灭) wipe out; blot out; exterminate: ~ 种 exterminate an entire race; ~ 蝇 kill flies; 歼 ~ 敌人 annihilate the enemy; 长他人志气, ~ 自己威风 boost other people's morale and reduce one's own courage
◆灭虫宁 bephenium; bephenin; 灭此朝食 will not have breakfast until the enemy is wiped out — be anxious to finish off the enemy immediately; eager to destroy the enemy immediately; wipe out the enemy before breakfast; (give a promise) to destroy the enemy before breakfast; 灭滴灵 {药} metronidazole; metronidazolum; flagyl; 灭顶之灾 be buried beneath the waves; the calamity of being drowned [swamped]; in danger of being swamped; complete annihilation; disaster; be drowned; be swamped; disaster of being drowned; the woe of falling into a river; 灭火 outfire; put out a fire; extinguish a fire; quell a fire; cut out an engine; 灭火器 fire extinguisher; annihilator; extinguisher; fire annihilator; fire-suppression bottle; flame damper; quenching unit; 灭迹 destroy the evidence (of one's evildoing); 灭绝 die out; become extinct; 灭绝人性 (utterly) inhuman; savage; most barbarous; beast-like; cannibalistic; 灭菌 sterilization; sterilisatio; disinfection; 灭口 do away with a witness or accomplice; 灭鼠 deratization; rat eradica ̄ tion; 灭亡 be destroyed; become extinct; perish; die out; 灭蚊 mosquito eradication; 灭蝇 fly eradication; 灭族 extermination of an entire family





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