单词 | prevent |
释义 | prevent/prɪ′vent/ vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/] 防(阻)止,妨碍,预防 (stop or hold back; keep from happening) [T+n, T+n+prep(from), T+ing]: ~accidents 防止事故; Rain~ed the match. 下雨使比赛停下来。They had injections to~the spread of the disease. 他们打了针来预防疾病的蔓延。~the disease (from) spreading预防疾病蔓延;Her illness~ed my going. 她的病使我没走成。Nobody can~them/their getting married. 没人能阻止他们结婚。~sb from doing so/telling the truth/committing an error 阻止某人这样做/说真话/犯错误;〖同〗stop; →pre′ventable adj 可防(阻)止的;pre′vention n 防(阻)止;pre′ventive adj 预防的,防止的 |
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