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requitevt. 1. return,repay 回报,报答。 △Ado.5.4.24:“And I dowith an eye of love requite her.”我也以充满爱情的目光来报答她。 △Ham.1.2.250: “I will requite yourloves.”我要报答你们的厚爱。 △H.V.3.6.51(49):“Speak,captain. for his life,and I will thee requite.”上尉,说句话救救他的命吧,我一定会报答你的。 △2H.VI.1.2.23:“What dreamed my lord? Tell me,and I'll re-quite it / With sweet rehearsal of my morning'sdream.”我的夫君梦见了什么? 告诉我,我愿意回报,把我早晨做的一个美梦讲述出来。 △3H.VI.4.7.78: “If fortuneserve me,I'll requite this kindness.”如果命运对我眷顾,我定要报答诸位这种好意。 △R.III.1.4.66:“I have donethese things,/ That now give evidence against mysoul. For Edward's sake. and see how he requites me.”我为了爱德华所做的这些事情现在都成了控诉我的灵魂的罪证,看他是怎样报答我的。 2. reward奖赏,酬劳。 △As.1.1.145 (137):“Charles,Ithank thee for thy love to me,which thou shalt find Iwill most kindly requite.”查尔斯,我感谢你对我的好意,为此我一定会好好酬谢你的。 △Tw.4.2.132 (118): “Fool,I'll requite it in the highest degree.”傻子,我一定会给你最高的报酬。 △3H.VI.4.5.23:“Stanley,I will requitethy forwardness.”斯坦莱,我要奖赏你的热心。 △3H.VI.4.6.10:“Nay,be thou sure,I'll well requite thy kind-ness.”不,你放心吧,为了你的善意,我要好好奖赏你。 3. take revenge on. retaliate向…报复,报复。 △Ham.4.7.138:“and in a pass of practice / Requite him foryour father.” 只消乘其不防一刺,便可报了杀父之仇。 △Mac.2.3.45 (38):“but I requited him for his lie.”但是我报复了他的荒唐。 △1H.VI.2.5.49:“Which oblo-quy set bars before my tongue. / Else with the like Ihad (i.e.would have) requited him.”这种辱骂使我钳口结舌,要不然我就会用同样的话去回报他。 requite[riˈkwait]v.报答,酬谢 ◇requite sb.报仇 ‖ requite kindness with enmity恩将仇报 requital n.偿还 |