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单词 communism
释义 communism /'komjunizm; 'kamjU/nizam/ n [U] 1 ideology that proclaims the abolition of class oppression and. exploitation, and the foundation of a society based on the common possession of the means of production and the equal distribution of goods. 共产主义 (主张消除阶级迫害及剥削,建立一个以共有生产工具及平均分配财货为基础之社会的思想体系) 。 2 (usu 通常作 C~) (colloq) political system in which the power is held by the Communist or Workers Party, and the land and its resources, the means of production etc are under state control. (俗) 共产制度 (一种政治制度,由共产党或工党专政,土地及其资源、生产工具等均由政府控制) ocom-mu.nist /'komjumst; 'kamjunist/ n believer in, supporter of; ~. 共产主义者; 共产党员 (信仰或拥护共产主义者) 。 adjof ~. 共产主义的; 共产主义者的。




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