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单词 late
释义 late2 /leit; let/ adv 1 (contrasted with early) after the usual, right, fixed or expected time: (与 early 相对)迟; 晚: get up/go to bed/arrive home ~; 起床(睡傩,到家)很晚; marry ~ in life, eg at the age of 50; 晚婚(例如五十岁结婚); two years -r; 二年后; sit/stay up ~, not go to bed until a ~ hour. 迟睡; 熬夜。 Better ~ than never. 迟盛总比不做好, ~ in the day, ~ r than desired or expected. 段茧望者为晚。~, on, at a ~r time; afterwards: 后来; 以核: a few days ~ r on; 数日后; as we shall see ~ r o . 正如我们以后将要看到的。 early and ~, at all hours: 从早到晚: He's at his desk early and 他一天到晚在桌前工作。 sooner or ~r, some time or other. 递早; 总有一天。 2 recently: 近来; 新近: I saw him as ~ as/no ~ r than yesterday. 我昨天还看见过他。 latish /'leitij; 'letif/ adj rather ~. 稍迟的; 稍晚的。




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