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单词 有凭有据

有凭有据yǒu píng yǒu jù

be fully substantiated;be furnished with proof and evidence; there is abundant evidence; well-founded; well-grounded;well-documented
❍ 恰巧快过年了,他写个年终总结,附上今后发展业务的计划,这样拿出来一方面显得自然,~,另一方面也可以给福佐药房吹嘘一番,好取得工商界朋友的信任,投资的事就有苗头了。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—477) As luck would have it,it was almost the end of the year,so he wrote an annual report and added to it an account of his plans for future development. In this way the thing would seem quite natural and would have some justification and at the same time it would be a boost for the Fu You Pharmacy,enabling him to get the confidence of his friends in the business world,the first step towards finding investors.
❍ 因为他说得~,大家信以为真。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—55) Since his statement seemed well-founded,all the other students immediatily accepted it.
❍ 我讲的话,句句都~,是全国人民众所周知的事实。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》29) What I’ve said is well-grounded and is known to the whole nation.

有凭有据yǒu pínɡ yǒu jù

形容说话、做事有根有据。well-documented, fully substantiated





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