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单词 面面俱到

面面俱到miàn miàn jù dào

attend to each and every aspect of a matter; comprehensive;every detail is thought of
❍ 越在紧急的时候,他越想得~。(冯志《敌后武工队》354) He knew that especially in tight situations Yang was the deeper and more compre hensive thinker.
❍ 你真行,看的比我远,看的比我宽,我没有看到的,你都看到了,真是~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—86) I take my hat off to you,you can see farther ahead than I can and you can take a broader view than I can. You can see all the things that I can’t,you don’t miss a thing./“好得很,” 徐佑甫咽住了一个呵欠说,“好得很,~,又十分具体。”(叶圣陶《倪焕之》170) “Excellent,” said Xu Youfu,stifling a yawn.“Excellent.Quite adequate and also practical.”/文章篇幅有限,不可能讲得~。Limitation of space forbids full treatment of the subject.


attend to each and every aspect of a matter;be well considered in every aspect;be punctilious
他办事总是~。Whatever he does,he gives thought to every aspect of the matter.or:He is punctilious in everything he does./工作要分主次,有重点,不可~。One must get one’s priorities right.It’s not possible to give equal attention to every detail.

面面俱到miàn miàn jù dào

俱:全,都。指照顾到各方面,对各方面的人都能敷衍;也指各个方面都注意或照顾到了,一点也没有遗漏。attend to each and every aspect of a matter, quite adequate, every detail is thought of





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