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单词 面面相觑

面面相觑miàn miàn xiāng qù

each (one) looks at the other in perplexity; exchange doubtful (/surreptitious/suspicious/uneasy) glances; gaze at each other in speechless despair; look at each other helplessly (/in astonishment/in blank dismay);stare at each other aghast (/in a mute perplexity)
❍ 这样一来,弄得大家莫名其妙,~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—251) All this happened so suddenly that the men were completely puzzled,each one looking at the other in perplexity.
❍ 大家说这话时,~,会场内的空气顿时紧张起来。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—264)The atmosphere in the room at once became strained as the men stared at each other in mute perplexity.
❍ 同志们拾起信一看,也都是~。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》99)The comrades picked up the letter,but when they’d read it they too could only turn away and brood in silence.
❍ 剑平看大家~。(高云览《小城春秋》277) He saw that the others were looking at one another vacantly.
❍ 莫干丞他们都~,不作声。(茅盾《子夜》411)Mo Gancheng and the others exchanged surreptitious glances,but no one said anything.
❍ 两公子~,不则一声,立刻叫把猪头拿到厨下赏与家人去吃。(《儒林外史》163) The brothers gazed at each other in silent dismay,then ordered the pig’s head to be taken to the kitchen for the servants to eat.

面面相觑miàn miàn xiānɡ qù

觑:偷看。你看我,我看你,互相对看。形容因惊慌或做错了事,不知如何是好,互相看着。look at each other in blank dismay, stand gazing at one another being at a loss





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