释义 |
智勇双全zhì yǒng shuāng quánbe both clever (/resourceful/intelligent/wise) and courageous (/bold/brave/valiant); have (/combine) both wisdom and courage; possess both sagacity and valour ❍ 一切马克思主义者,一切以改造世界为己任的革命人民,都应该具有这种崇高的风格和革命气魄,彻底破除迷信,解放思想,做一个天不怕地不怕的硬汉,做一个既有冲天干劲又有科学分析精神的~的人! (何其芳《不怕鬼的故事》序) All Marxists and all the revolutionary people who take upon themselves the task of trans forming the world should have this lofty spirit and revolutionary mettle: they should thoroughly do away with superstitions,emancipate their minds and be tough-willed men who fear nothing at all,who are both resourceful and bold,with both heaven-storming drive and the scientific and analytical spirit. ❍ 这真是“~”的人物。他四下里看了看,说:“梅生不在家吗?”(陶承《我的一家》31) A hero indeed,both wise and brave!“Is…er…Meisheng home?”he asked as he glanced around the room. ❍ 我们要求在战争过程中一般地打胜仗的勇敢而明智的将军——~的将军。(《毛泽东选集》162)What we can ask for is generals who are brave and sagacious and who normally win their battles in the course of a war,generals who combine wisdom with courage. ❍ 只有俺恩帅侯公,智勇兼全,尽能径理中原,…… (孔尚任《桃花扇·抚兵》) Only my kind patron General Hou had sagacity and courage equal to the task,…/小分队齐集威虎厅,剑波和他那~、浑身是胆的伟大战友杨子荣,紧紧地握手……(曲波《林海雪原》313)As the men of the PLA detachment gathered in Tiger Hall,Jianbo wrung the hand of his intelligent,courageous companion in battle,Yang Zirong. ❍ 关某~,切不可轻敌。(《三国演义》638) This Guan lacks neither cunning nor valour. You are to be most cautious in engaging him. ❍ 有了这些~的战士,我们就有了胜利! (吴强《红日》207) Victory is assured for us when we have fighters like these,with courage and brains combined! 智勇双全both intelligent and courageous(/brave and resourceful) 智勇双全combination of guts and brains;be both brave and intelligent; combine wisdom and courage 智勇双全zhì yǒnɡ shuānɡ quán形容既有智谋,又很勇敢。both brave and resourceful, both resourceful and gallant, combine wisdow with courage, have both skill and dash |