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单词 racket
释义 racket1 /'raekit; 'raekit/ n 1 (sing only, with indef art or [U]) uproar, loud noise: (仅亩单数,兴不定冠词连用,或为不可数名词)喧嚣; 闹声: Whar a ~! 多么大的吵闹声! The drunken men in the street - kicked up no end of a ~、 were very noisy and boisterous. 那些醉汉在街上大 ■ 大闹。 2 [U] (time of) great social activity, hurry and bustle: 繁忙的 ft 交活动; 繁忙; 繁忙的时间: the ~ of a politician's life. 从政者生活的繁忙。 3 [C] (colloq) dishonest way of getting money (by deceiving or threatening people, selling worthless goods, etc): (俗)诈骗; 勒索: be in on a ~, have a share in it, be one of those who make money from it. 参与诈骗勒索。 4 [C] ordeal or trying experience, 严格的考痛苦或难题的经 Uk, stand the ~, a come successfully through a test (of sth). 成功地通过(某事物的)考验。 b accept, be responsible for, the consequences (of sth); take the blame; pay the costs. 接受(某事的)后果; 对(某事的)后果贝责; 承担过错; 付帐。口讨 [VP2A, C] ~ (about), make a ~ (1, 2). 喧闹; 过繁忙的社交生活: ~eer /,rks'tis(r); zraekifir/ n person who is engaged in a ~ (3). 诈骗者; 勒索者。 ~ vvr ing n [U] the actions of ~eers. 诈骗 、勒索的行为。




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