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单词 radio
释义 radio /'reidiao; Wdi,o/ n (pl ~s) /-diauz; -di’oz/ 1 [U] (communication by) use of electromagnetic waves without a connecting wire: 无线电: send a message by ~. 以无线电传递消息。 2 [U] broadcasting by this means: 无线电广播: hear something on the ~; 在无线电广播市听到柔消息; 柩化 over the ~; 在无线电广播中讲话; (attrib) (形容用二 . „ 二二二二二二 3 [C] , ~ (-set), apparatus, eg on ships, aircraft, for transmitting and receiving ~ messages or (as in 法) the ~ programme. 无线电懒播节目。 the home) for receiving sound broadcast pro- grammes: (船,飞机等的)无线电收发报机; (家庭等的) 收音机: a portable ~; 手提式收咅机; the latest types of ~于 / ~- sets. 最新画的收音机。 4 '~beacon, station for transmitting signals to help aircraft pilots. 无线电导航信标(发信号以协助飞机驾驶员)。 ' ~ beam, beam of ~ signals from a ~ beacon. 无线电领航信号。 ' ~ frequency, frequency between 10 kilocycles per second to 300 000 megacycles per second. 射(电)频(率)(自每秒十仟周至每秒三十万兆周)。 link, (sound broadcasting) programme in which speakers in widely separated towns are linked by the same programme. (广播)相距甚远城市中的不同演讲者,在同一节目中以无线电联系起来的一种节目。




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