显(顯)xiǎnⅠ ❶ (明显) apparent; obvious; noticeable; evident: 成效不 ~。 The result is not so marked. 药的效果还不 ~。 The effect of the medicine is not yet noticeable. ❷ (有名声有权势的) illustrious and influential: ~ 官 high officials Ⅱ (表现; 露出) show; display; manifest; appear: 大 ~ 身手 display one's skill to the full; ~ 本领 go through one's paces; give a taste of one's quality; 深色衣服不 ~ 脏。 Dark clothes do not show the dirt. 她很 ~ 老。 She looks older than her age. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 甫 Xian Fu ◆显摆[白] [方] show off; 显出 give evidence; express; exhibition; show; 显达 illustrious and influential; 显得 look; seem; appear; 显而易见 obviously; apparently; as plain as the nose on one's face; be easy to see; can be seen with half an eye; clearly; clearly show; easily visible; evidently; It is crystal clear that ... ; stand out in bold [strong] relief; see with great ease; writ large; speak for itself; 显贵 bigwigs; personages; eminence; high officials; influential officials; 显函数 explicit function; 显赫 illustrious; celebrated; eminent; impressive; 显豁 obviously clear; 显见 obvious; self-evident; apparent; 显灵 (of a ghost or spirit) make its presence or power felt; epiphanic; 显露 become visible; appear; manifest itself; flowering; {机} relieving; 显露头角 make one's mark; show promise; 显露原形 show its real form; betray [display; show] the cloven foot [hoof]; show its original shape; 显明 obvious; manifest; distinct; marked; 显亲扬名 glorify one's parents and become famous; bring glory to one's parents and become celebrated; 显然 obvious; evident; clear; explicit; manifest; pointed; apparent; 显身手 display one's talent or skill; 显身扬名 make a glorious name for oneself; show one's mettle and make a name; 显圣 (of the ghost of a saintly person) make its presence or power felt; 显式 {数} explicit expression; 显示 show; display; demonstrate; exhibit; evince; manifest; discover; reveal; vision; {石油} show; indication; 显示菜单 show menu; 显示器 indicator; display; display device; scope; 显威风 impress sb. with one's authority; show one's prowess; 显微电影 cinephotomicrograph; 显微胶卷 bibliofilm; 显微镜 microscope; 显微全息图[照片] microhologram; 显微摄影 photomicrography; cinemicrography; 显微物镜 microobjective; 显微组织 microscopic structure; microstructural; 显现 manifest oneself; reveal oneself; appear; show; visualize; 显像 video picture; display; presentation; developing; development; visualization; 显像管 {电子} kinescope; teletron; kine; picture tube; display tube; image tube; charactron; image-viewing tube; teletube; 显形 show one's (true) colours; betray oneself; reveal one's (true) features; 显扬 cite; commend; celebrated; famous; 显眼 conspicuous; showy; eye appeal; 显要 powerful and influential; mark; influential figure; important personage; VIP; 显耀 be well known for one's fame or power; show off; 显影 {摄} develop; 显证 [书] clear proof; 显忠遂良 promote the loyal and good people; 显著 notable; marked; striking; remarkable; outstanding; pronounced; 显著性 conspicuousness; significance |