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单词 是非自有公论

是非自有公论shì fēi zì yǒu gōng lùn

public opinion is the best iudge; public opinion will know who is right and who is wrong; the public can tell right from wrong; the public will judge the rights and wrongs of the case
❍ 既然~,本报是否可以全文发表徐处长的谈话?(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》321) Since the public can tell right from wrong,is there any objection to my paper publishing Mr Xu’s speech in full?/只想顶他几句。可是转念一想,~,何必显得自己那末小气呢?(丁玲《太阳照在桑干河上》81) He wanted to put him in his place,but on second thoughts decided people would know which of them was right and he had better not appear petty.

是非自有公论shì fēi zì yǒu ɡōnɡ lùn

指事情的对与错,公众自然有评判的。the public will judge the rights and wrongs of the case, public opinion is the best judge





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:44:25