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单词 change
释义 change1 /tjeindj; tfends/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 2A] ~ (from/out of) (to/into); ~ (for), leave one place and go to, enter, another; take off sth and put sth else on: 换 (掉); 换 (上); 更换; 更 (衣); 改换: I must ~ these trousers—they've got oil on them. 我必须换条补子 —— 裤子上沾了油。 on't take me five minutes to ~, to put on different clothes. 我换衣服不需要五分钟。 He ~d out of his overalls (and into a suit). 他换掉了工作补 (换上了一套西服) 。 He ~ed his overalls (for a suit). 他脱下工作裤 (换上一套西服。 We seldom ~ for dinner,> eg seldom ~ into formal evening dress. 我们很少为了进晚餐而换上晚礼服。 I've ~d my address, moved to a different house, flat, etc. 我的住址改变了。 The house has ~d hands several times, has been bought and sold several times. 此屋曾数度易手 (易主) 、。 ~ (trains), leave one train and get into another during a journey: 换火车 (在旅程中由甲车转至乙车) : ~ (trains) at Crewe for Stockport. 在克儒换火车前往史塔克波特。 Where do we ~? 我们在哪里换车? All ~! (a cry heard at stations when a train is going no further).. 所有旅客一律换车! (在火车站当一列车不再前进时所听到的银吿声) 。 ~ up/down, (motoring) change to a higher/lower gear. (汽车驾驶) 改为高 (低) 挡。 2 [VP6A, 14] ~ sth (for/into sth else), give and receive in return: 兑换; 互换; 付出 (某物) 并收回 (他物): Can you ~ this five-pound note, give me notes and/or coins of smaller denominations? 你能兑换这张五镑的钞票 (换成小额钞票或硬币) 吗? He ~d his Italian money before leaving Rome. 他在离开罗马前已将义大利钱币兑换掉了。 Shall we ~ seats? 我们换换座位好不好? I ~d places with her. 我与她互换位置。 He ~d his car for a foreign make. 他换了一部外国厂牌的车。 3 [VP6A, 14, 2A, C] ~ (from) (into/to), make or become different: . (使) 变成不同的; 改变; 蜒化: That has ~d my ideas. 那使我变了主意。 My plans have ~d, 我的计划已经改变了。 Caterpillars ~ into butterflies or moths. 毛虫会变成蝴蝶或蛾。 The traffic lights ~d from red to green. 那交通指示灯从匠色变成绿色。 You've ~d since I last saw you. 自从我上次见你以后你已变了。 ~ over (from) (to). abandon an old system and take up a new one: 从 (旧的) 变成 (新的): the country has ~ed over from military to democratic rule. 该国已从军政变成宪政。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-over n. ~ one's mind, decide on a new plan, have a new opinion, etc. 改变主意。 ~ oie's note/tune, become more humble, sad, etc. 改变态度 (变得更为谦卑、忧愁等) 。 ~ step, (when marching with a group) march so that the other foot is keeping time (eg with the beat of a drum). (在团体行军时) 换步 (以便使另一足合着节拍,如踏着鼓音) 。 ~able adj likely to alter; often altering; able to be ~d: 易变的; 常变的; 能被改变的: ~able weather; 多变的天气; a ~able sort of person, one whose moods often ~. 喜怒无常的人; 善变的人” ~ableness n




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