整zhěnɡⅠ ❶ (全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete: ~ 日 ~ 夜 the whole day and night; ~ 个世界 all the world; ~ ~ 一打 a full dozen; ~ 部小说 the entire novel; 12点 ~ twelve o'clock sharp; 完 ~ 的句子 a complete sentence ❷ (整齐) neat; tidy; orderly: ~ 然有序 in good order; 仪容不 ~ untidy in one's appearance; 衣冠不 ~ slovenly in one's dress; not properly dressed Ⅱ ❶ (整理; 整顿) put in order; adjust; rectify; reorganize: ~ ~ 床铺 fix one's bed; 把房间好好 ~ 一 ~ put a room in order; 调 ~ 历法 rectify the calendar ❷ (修理) repair; mend; renovate: ~ 修翻新旧房屋 renovate the old buildings ❸ (使吃苦头) make sb. suffer; punish: 挨 ~ be the target of criticism or attack; 狠 ~ 那个坏蛋 resolutely punish that scoundrel ❹ [方] (搞; 弄) make; do: 把衣服 ~ 脏了 got one's clothes dirty; 把事情 ~ 糟了 made a mess of the matter; 这东西我看见人 ~ 过, 并不难。 I once saw someone do it. It's not very difficult. ◆整倍 multiple; 整备 reorganize and outfit (troops); hostling; 整笔 lump-sum; 整编 reorganize (troops); 整补 consolidate [reorganize] and fill up; 整步 synchronizing; 整饬 rectify; consolidate; straighten out; in good order; neat; tidy; 整除 {数} be divided with no remainder; divide exactly; exact division; 整存 whole deposit; full storage; 整党 consolidate the Party organization; Party consolidation; 整地 {农} soil preparation; 整定 adjust; adjusting; setting; 整队 dress the ranks; line up; 整顿 rectify; consolidate; reorganize; readjust; put... in good order; 整风 rectification of incorrect styles of work; 整复 taxis; reduction; restitution; 整个 whole; total; entire; 整合 {地} concordance; integration; concordancy; conformity; 整机 overall unit; complete machine; 整洁 clean and tidy; neat; trim; shipshape; natty; spruce; prim; 整经 {纺} beam-warping; turning-on; warping; beaming; 整锯 saw; 整军经武 reorganize the army and strengthen the military power; build up the nation's defences; train and command an army; 整块 monoblock; 整理 arrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; straighten out; tidy; trim; 整料 material all in one piece for a given job; 整流 rectification; commutation; rectifying; 整流器 rectifier; commutator; 整流式 rectifier [rectify ̄ ing] type; 整流罩 radome; trouser; 整流子 header; commutator; collector; ring collector; 整批 batch; batch bulk; 整平 levelling; equalization; equating; 整齐 in good order; neat; tidy; snug; taut; shipshape; 整儿 [方] round number; 整人 give sb. a hard time; persecute others; 整容 tidy up one's appearance; tidy oneself up; perform face-lifting; 整饰 {电} dress; {刷} finishing; {电子} grooming; 整数 integer; whole number; integral number; round number; round figure; 整套 package; a complete set of; 整体 ensemble; whole; entirely; 整体思维 organism thinking; 整天 the whole day; all day; all day long; 整型 integer; 整形 {电} reshaping; shaping; {冶} coning; {医} plastic; reforming; true-up; profiling; topiary work; 整修 rebuild; renovate; repair; restore; put in order; recondition; reramp; dressing; 整整 whole; full; exactly; 整治 renovate; repair; dredge (a river, etc.); punish; 整装 get one's things ready (for a journey, etc.); 整装待发 be fully equipped for (a journey);be ready to start; get everything ready and wait for [await] orders to start; wait for the order to start 整❶fix;bully;punish;make sb suffer ❷in good order; neat; tidy ❸repair; mend; fix;renovate 想~某人try to fix (or bully)sb/挨~be the target of criticism or attack;come under attack;be made to suffer/要不断地把我们身上的错误东西~掉constantly rid ourselves of whatever is wrong/衣冠不~slovenly in one’s dress;not properly dressed/仪容不~untidy in one’s appearance/~一个小国bully a small country/~得太过分go too far in attacking |