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单词 pin
pin/pɪn/ n;vt [-nn-]

n (1)1)大头针,别针 (short thin pointed piece of metal used to hold pieces of paper cloth etc together) [C]: a safety~一个安全别针;a box of~s for dressmaking 一盒制作女装用的别针;I have not sewn that seam yet—it is held together by~s. 我还没有把边缝上,现在用别针别着。The sleeve is only held on by~s at the moment. 现在这只袖子只不过是用别针别上去的。fasten the pattern to the cloth with~s 用别针把花样别在布上;2) 装饰别针 (similar but more ornamental object) [C] (用于合成词中): a hat-/tie-~帽子饰针/领带别针;a diamond~钻石胸针;〖同〗brooch, clasp, clip;

(2)(木或金属制的)栓(钉,销,针) (long thin piece of wood or metal for holding things together or sth in position) [C] (用于合成词中): a 3-~plug 三相插头;a hair~发卡;a drawing-/rolling-~图钉/擀面杖;nine~s 九柱戏 (一种用滚球击倒木瓶的游戏);a metal~in a broken bone 骨折部位所用的金属钉;a clothes-~(AmE) 晾衣夹;

(3)(手榴弹上的)保险针 (clip on a hand grenade that stops it from exploding) [C] (=safety-pin);

(4)腿(legs) [pl] (infml);

not care/give a pin/two pins (for sth) (对某事)一点都不在乎: He doesn't care a~for what they say about his work. 他们对他工作的批评他一点都不在乎。

on one's pin 站着,走着(infml): He's not very steady/quick on his~s. 他站得不太稳/走得不太快。

→′pin-ball n 弹球戏;′pincushion n (裁缝插针用的)针插;′pin-head n 傻瓜,笨蛋;微小的东西;′pin-money n (尤指以前男人给女人的或女人自己挣的)零用钱;(为小笔额外开销而准备的)存款;′pinpoint n 针尖;又小又尖的东西;vt 为……精确定位;准确找出原因;′pinprick n 小刺激,小烦恼;pins and ′needles n (身体某部位受压迫后的)麻木或刺痛的感觉;′pin-stripe n (织物上的)细条;′pin-table n 弹球桌;

vt (1)(用别针)别(钉) (fatsen with a pin or pins) [T+n T+n+prep(to), T+n+adv(together)]: The dress is only~ned. 这件衣服是用别针别在一起的。Could you~the badge on for me please? 请你帮我将证章别上好吗?~a notice on the wall/pattern on the cloth/picture on the blackboard 将通知钉在墙上/花样别在布上/图画钉在黑板上;~a flower to the dress/a note to the document 在衣服上别上一朵花/文件上别上一张便条;The fallen tree~ned him to the ground. 倒下的树把他压在地上。~the material/the bills/the papers together 将材料/账单/文件用别针别起来;The policeman~ned the thief's arms behind him. 警察将小偷的胳膊反绑在背后。〖同〗fasten,attach,fix,clasp; 〖反〗unpin;

(2)把……加于……,让(attach or fix sth such as a responsibility on sb) [T+n+prep(on)]:~one's hopes on sb 寄希望于某人;Don't~your hopes on this job, you may not get it. 你不要对这件工作抱希望,你可能得不到它。~the blame on sb 将责任推到某人身上;They tried to~the crime on him. 他们想把罪行推到他身上。pin sb/sth against/under sth 使……不能动: The crash~ned the driver against the wheel, wounding his chest. 由于撞车,司机被挤在方向盘上,胸部受了伤。The police~ned the thief against the wall. 警察把小偷顶在墙边。

pin back/down/up (v adv) 用(钉子,(别)针)钉,别: If the collar won't stay in place,I shall have to~it back. 如果领子位置不正,我得用别针把它固定住。Don't try to move the map, it's~ned down to the table. 不要移动地图,它是钉在桌子上的。~up a notice 钉上一张通知;

pin down (v adv) 1)使(某人)无法动弹 (vt): The soldiers were~ned down in the hole because rifle bullets were flying over their heads. 子弹在战士们的头上飞,把他们困在洞里。2)使(某人)具体地或明确地说出想法: a difficult person to~down 难以使其明确说出自己想法的人;3)准确说明(出): It is difficult to~down the exact meaning of this verb. 很难准确说出这个动词的确切意思。

pin down (to) (v adv) 使……同意(某事) (vt):~sb down to doing sth 使某人做某事;~sb to a promise 使某人同意履行其诺言;

→′pin-up n 钉在墙上的电影明星或名人的人物像;明星或名人像中的人





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