释义 |
改名换姓改姓换名;变名易姓gǎi míng huàn xìngassume a new name; change both one’s family name and personal name; under a different name ❍ 为着提防赵雄的眼线追寻,书茵准备一到内地就~。(高云览《小城春秋》255) Once there,Shuyin would assume a new name to prevent Zhao Xiong from tracing her. ❍ 乃乘扁舟浮于江湖,变名易姓,适齐为鸱夷子皮,之陶为朱公。(《史记·货殖列传》3257) Then he got into a little boat and sailed down the Yangtze and through the lakes.He changed his family name and personal name and visited Qi,where he was known as Chiyi Zipi,the “Adaptable Old Wine-skin.”Later he went to Tao,where he was called Lord Zhu. ❍ 按侯殿坤的意思,是要全部放下武器,把所有的人混进各大小城市,~,…… (曲波《林海雪原》483) Hou’s idea was that they all conceal their arms,sneak into the various cities,change their names,…/这样熬到快要下雪的时候,才又把她送到更远的一个屯子的亲戚家里,~地活下来。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》486) When winter ap proached he took her to some other relations in a more distant village,and she lived with them under a different name. 改名换姓ɡǎi mínɡ huàn xìnɡ改换原来的姓名。change one’s name and surname, change one’s whole name |