释义 |
needfula. 1. needed,necessary,requisite,indispensable需要的,必要的,必需的,必不可少的。 △Lr.2.1.128 (126): “Laycomforts to your bosom,and bestow / Your needfulcounsel to our businesses,”你且善自宽慰,为我们的事情贡献一点正需要的意见。 △Ham.1.1.173: “As needful inour loves.”按照我们(对他)的交情.这是必要的。 2. requiring aid. urgent需要援助的,紧急的。 △3H.VI.2.1.145: “he was lately sent. / From your kind aunt.Duchess of Burgundy. / With aid of soldiers to thisneedful war.”他在最近被你姑母勃艮第公爵夫人派遣,带着援兵前来接应这场紧急的战争。 △R.III.5.3.40: “SweetBlunt,make some good means to speak with him.And give him from me this most needful note.”好布仑特,请你想办法去和他见面谈话,并且把我这封最紧急的短信交给他。 |