needle[ˈni:dl]n.针,指针,针叶,针绣花边,针尖 ◇get the needle舞台怯场 give sb. the needle刺激某人 hit the needle击中目标 look for a needle in a haystack海底捞针 sharp as a needle非常敏感的 ‖ needle at the bottom of sea海底针 needle beam针梁 needle case针盒 needle craft刺绣活 needle drawing刻图 needle etching针刻 needle instrument指针式仪表 needle mount鞍马的骑上 needle pattern针形图案 needle pickup针式拾音器 needle pointer指针 needle scale分腿站立体前屈 needle scratch唱针噪声 needle time无线电播放唱片的时间,唱片音乐节目播送时间 needle work刺绣工艺品 |