释义 |
摇摇欲坠yáo yáo yù zhuìbe on the verge of collapse; be shaken to the foundation; crumbling;in a precarious position; liable to fall any moment;sagging; shaky;tottering; tottery; tumble-down ❍ 现在不同啰,满鞑子已经~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—235) Today the Manchu barbarians are on the verge of total collapse. ❍ 满目破旧的书刊废纸,胡乱堆积在~的书架上。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》476) Torn books and ragged magazines were piled untidily on sagging shelves. ❍ 行军两天,到了绝壁岩顶。战士们靠近边缘向下一看,头晕目眩,觉得眼前的大岩来回晃动,自己的身体~。(曲波《林海雪原》415)Two days later,they reached the cliff edge. The tremendous heights made the men’s heads spin. When they looked down,the cliff seemed to waver and they felt their bodies sway. ❍ 是夜,孔明令人扶出,仰观北斗,遥指一星曰:“此吾之将星也”。众视之,见其色昏暗,~。(《三国演义》904) That night Kongming was carried into the open and gazed up at the sky. “That is my star,”said he,pointing to the one that seemed to be losing its brilliance and tobe tottering in its place. 摇摇欲坠tottering;crumbling;falling apart;on the verge of collapse;precarious;shaky 罗斯福、丘吉尔正等待希特勒~时打进法国去。Roosevelt and Churchill are waiting for the first sign of Hitler’s downfall to thrust into France./~的反动政权crumbling reactionary regime/~的内阁a shaky cabinet/~的殖民统治tottering colonial rule 摇摇欲坠yáo yáo yù zhuì摇摇:快要倒下来的样子;坠:坠落。形容地位极不巩固,行将崩溃。groggy, hang by a hair, on the ropes, in a precarious position, tottering, nod to one’s fall, hang by a thread |