[书] (刺) stab; prick 另见 see also zhènɡ。 ◆挣扎 struggle
❶ (用力使自己摆脱束缚) struggle to get free; struggle to free oneself; push and pull; try to throw off: ~ 开绳索 free oneself from the bonds ❷ (用劳动换取) earn; make; labour for: ~ 大钱 make a lot of money; ~ 饭吃 earn a living; 她每月大约 ~ 800元钱。 She earns [makes] about 800 yuan a month. 另见 see also zhēnɡ。 ◆挣揣 [书] struggle; strive hard; 挣命 struggle to save one's life; 挣钱 earn money; make money; 挣脱 struggle to free oneself; shake off; get rid of