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❶ (人、物紧紧挨在一起;事情集中在同一时间内) crowd;pack;cram: ~ 做一团 pressed close together;packed like sardines;
房间里 ~ 满了人。 The room was crammed [crowded] with people. 几件事 ~ 在一块儿了。 Several matters have cropped up at the same time. 小屋 ~ 不下那么多人。 It's impossible to pack so many people into the small room. 小猪 ~ 在一起取暖。 The young pigs crowded against one another for warmth.
❷ (使劲用身体推开人或物) jostle;push against: ~ 进去 force [elbow;shoulder;push] one's way in;squeeze in;~ 上前去 push to the front;
别 ~。 Don't push. 他从人群中 ~ 过。 He jostled his way through a crowd.
❸ (用压力使从孔隙中出来) squeeze;press: 把水 ~ 掉 squeeze the water out;~ 牛奶 milk a cow;~ 时间 try and find time to do sth.;find time
❹ (排挤;排斥) push aside;push out;squeeze out: 他无法再在厂里呆下去,他是被副厂长 ~ 走的。 He was unable to continue working in this factory,He was squeezed out by the assistant manager.
◆挤出 squeeze out;force out;extrusion;
挤焊 push weld;
挤接 shove joint;
挤眉弄眼 wink and make signs to one another;make faces;
挤奶 milk;milking;
挤入 squeeze into [through];挤芯机 core extruder;core extrusion machine;plunger core machine;stock-core machine;
挤压 crimp;squeeze;mouthpiece pressing;nobbing;extrusion;squeezing;battering;
挤眼儿 wink at;
挤牙膏 squeeze toothpaste out of a tube;be forced to tell the truth bit by bit;confess quite reluctantly;
挤抑同寅 keep down one's colleague;
挤汁器 juicer

pressing forward

❷jostle;push against
执行计划时,你~我,我~你。The various quarters try to squeeze out one another in carrying out the plan./别~。Don’t push./大厅里~满了人。The hall is filled to capacity./重工业~轻工业。Light industry is elbowed aside by heavy industry./重工业增长过快,轻工业受~。Heavy industry grows too quickly at the expense of light industry./计划外项目~计划内项目,一般项目~重点项目。Some planned projects had to give way to those outside the plan and key projects to ordinary ones./在人群中往前~ elbow one’s way forward in a crowd/~兑 run on a bank;bank run/~时间try to find time/~垮某人squeeze sb out of existence





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:38:38