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单词 指名道姓

指名道姓zhǐ míng dào xìng

mention sb’s name;name names;name sb
❍ 梁老三的小犊子领带人马进山,安营下寨割竹子,缚扫帚哩! 夸下海口,~,产量要压倒你大叔哩! 你大叔心里头舒服吗? (柳青《创业史》314)That son of Liang the Third has taken a group into the mountains. They’ve set up a camp and are cutting bamboo and making brooms. And he’s boasting—naming names—that his team is going to raise more rice per mou than you are. Does that make you feel good ,uncle?/我在这个讲话里批评了一些现象,批评了一些同志,但是没有~,没有指出张三、李四来。(毛泽东《在扩大的中央工作会议上的讲话》34) In my speech I have criticized certain phenomena and criticized certain comrades,but I have’t named them,I haven’t pointed out who this one or that one actually is.

指名道姓zhǐ mínɡ dào xìnɡ

直接说出对方的姓名。形容毫不客气。name names, mention sb.’s name





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