释义 |
持chí ❶ (拿着;握着) hold;grasp: ~ 枪 hold a gun ❷ (持有;保持) keep;hold: ~ 保留态度 have reservations;~ 相反意见 hold a contrary opinion; 我仍然 ~ 过去的看法。 I still hold my former views. ❸ (支持;保持) support;maintain: 维~ keep;maintain; 支 ~ support;sustain ❹ (主管;料理) manage;run: 操 ~ manage;handle; 主 ~ take charge of ;manage ❺ (对抗) oppose: 相 ~ 不下 be locked in stalemate ◆持不同政见者 dissident; 持刀行凶 attack people (with) knife in hand; 持法森严 administer sharp justice; 持家 run one's home;keep house; 持久 lasting;enduring;durable;persistent;permanent;protracted;endurance; 持久性 persistence;vitality;constancy;durability;staying quality;endurance; 持论 present an argument;put a case;express a view; 持平 unbiased;fair;impartial;just;same in number,amount,etc.; 持枪 hold a gun;{军} port arms; 持球 {体} holding; 持身 [书] conduct oneself (properly); 持续 last;continue;sustain;continued;sustained; 持有 hold; 持之以恒 persevere;in a persistent way; 持重 prudent;cautious;discreet;dignified |