释义 |
拿[㧱、拏]náⅠ ❶ (用手或其他方式抓住或搬动物体) hold; take: ~ 来 bring it here; ~ 去 take it away; 把这些茶杯 ~ 走。 Take away these tea-cups. 那东西钉在墙上, 我 ~ 不下来。 It was nailed to the wall and I couldn't get it off. 他手里 ~ 的是什么? What is he holding in his hand? ❷ (用强力取; 捉拿) seize; capture: ~ 下敌人的阵地 take the enemy's positions; ~ 下要塞 capture a fort; 这个扒手在行窃时被当场 ~ 住。 The pickpocket was caught in the act. ❸ (掌握; 把握) have a firm grasp of; be able to do; be sure of: ~ 不准 not be sure; feel uncertain; 样样农活她都 ~ 得起来。 She can do every kind of farm work. 这事你 ~ 得稳吗? Are you sure of it? ❹ (刁难; 要挟) put sb. in a difficult position; make things difficult for sb.: 这件事你 ~ 不住人。 Don't think that you can make things difficult by not doing the job. ❺ (强烈的作用使物体变坏) (of a chemical agent, etc.) turn sth. bad: 这块木头让药水 ~ 白了。The chemical agent has bleached the wooden block. Ⅱ ❶ (引进所凭借的工具、材料、方法等): ~ 笔写字 write with a pen; ~ 尺量 measure with a ruler; ~ 几句话来概括 to sum up in a few words; ~ 事实证明 prove with facts; cite facts to prove; ~ 水洗一洗 rinse it with water; 我们不能 ~ 原则作交易。 We cannot barter away our principles. ❷ (引进所处置的对象): 不 ~ 他当回事 pay no attention to him; make light of foe; 别 ~ 他开玩笑。 Don't make fun of him. 不要 ~ 我作为模范丈夫的例子。 Don't hold me up as a model husband. 我简直 ~ 他没办法。 I simply can't do anything with him. ◆拿办 arrest and deal with according to law; bring to justice; 拿不出手 not be presentable; 拿出绝招 play one's best card; play one's trump card; show one's speciality; 拿刀动杖 resort to force; 拿得起, 放得下 be able to advance or retreat; flexible; adaptable; 拿得起来 be able to afford it; competent; 拿定主意 make up one's mind; come to a conclusion [decision]; 拿获 apprehend; arrest; 拿权 wield power; be in the saddle; 拿人 make things difficult for others; raise difficulties; put sb. in a difficult position; 拿三搬四 refuse to do what one is assigned to do; resist orders; disobey instructions; find a pretext for refusal; 拿事 have the power to do sth. or to decide what to do; 拿手 adept; expert; good at; 拿手(好)戏 a game or trick one is good at; one's masterpiece; what one most excels in; one's speciality; one's favourite game; 拿稳 hold steadily; predict with confidence; 拿云握雾 extremely capable [skilful; dexterous; masterly] at; 拿着鸡毛当令箭 treat an utterly worthless thing like an order from on high; take a chicken feather for a warrant to issue orders — treat one's superior's casual marks as an order and make a big fuss about it; 拿主意 make [come to] a decision; make up one's mind; 拿住 hold firmly; put under arrest |