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单词 bubble
释义 bubble /'bAbl; 'bAbl/ n 1 (in air) floating ball formed of liquid and containing air or gas: (浮于空气中的) 气泡; 泡: soap ~s; 肥皂泡; blowing ~s. 吹泡泡。 2 (in liquid) ball of air or gas that rises to the surface, eg in boiling water, in sparkling wines. (从液体中浮于水面的) 气泡 (如沸水、会冒泡的酒中等) 。 3 air-filled cavity in a solid ified liquid, eg glass. 液体凝固后 (如玻璃) 内中存留的气泡。 4 (fig) visionary plan; idea, hope, etc that is not realized: (喻) 幻想的计划; 无法实现的意念、希望等: His ~ has burst. 他的计划 (或希望) 已成泡影 (破灭了) 。 5 car n small car with a transparent dome as roof. 泡泡车 (车顶为透明圆顶的小车) 。 gum n chewing gum which can be blown into bubbles on the lips. 泡泡糖 (可以吹成泡的口香糖) 。 vi [VP2A, C] send up ~s; rise in ~s; make the sound of ~s: 发出气泡; 起泡; 发气泡声: The water ~d up through the sand. 水从沙中冒出气泡。 She was bubbling over with joy/high spirits/laughter. 她得意洋洋 (高兴,咯咯而笑) 。 bubbly /'bAbli; 七 Abh/ adj full of ~s. 充满泡沫的; 多泡的。 a n (hum) champagne. (N) 香槟酒。




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