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单词 sorrow
释义 sorrow /'sorao; 'soro/ n [C, U] (cause of) grief or sadness; regret: 悲哀; 悲伤; 悔恨; 其原由: express ~ for having done wrong; 因做错事而悔恨; to my great ~; 使我感到非常悲哀; to the ~ of all who were present; 使所着在场的人感到悲哀; in ~ and in joy, when we are sad and also when we are happy. 在悲哀时及喜悦时。 His ~s had turned his hair white. 哀伤隹他的头嗟变白。 more in ~ than in anger, with more regret than anger for what was done, etc. (对做过的事等)懊悔多于愤怒。 the Man of S~ $. Jesus. 耶稣。 vi [VP2A, 3A] ~ (at/for/over), feel ~ (at/for/over sth): (高…) 感到悲哀、悲伤、而恨等: ~ing over her child's death. 为她孩子的死感到悲伤。~弹 3 /-fl; -53'/ adj feeling, showing, causing, 感到、显示、引起悲哀 (悲伤、悔恨等) 的; 可悲的; 悔恨的。~ /-fall; -fah/ adv




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