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单词 sorry
释义 sorry /'son; 'son/ adj 1 - (pred only) feeling regret or sadness: (仅作敍述用法) 感到遗憾或悲伤的; 惋惜的; 抱歉的: We're ~ to hear of your father's death. 听到令尊逝世,我们甚为难过。 I should be ~ for you to think/if you were to think that I dislike you. 如果你认为我不喜欢你,我会感到遗憾。 I was ~ to hear that you thought I disliked you. 我听说你认为我不喜欢你,我实在感到遗憾。 Ae/fee/ ~ (about/for sth), feel regret or repentance: 感到遗憾或龙悔: Aren't you ~ for/about what you've done? 你对你做的事情不感到遗憾吗? If you'll say you're ~ (-that you repent), we'll forget the incident. 如果你说你懊悔,我们就不再计较这件事 obe/ feel ~ for sb, a feel sympathy: (对某人) 表同情: I feel ~ for anyone who has to drive in weather like this. 我对于在这种天气还必须驾车的 (任何) 人表示同情。 b feel pity or mild contempt: 表怜悯或轻微的轻视: I'm ~ for you, but you've been rather foolish, haven't you? 我很替你疑过,不过你颇为不智,. 不是吗? Jf he doesn't realize that he must make sacrifices, I'm ~ for him. 如果他不明白他必须有所牺牲,那我觉得他实在可怜。 2 (used to express mild regret or an apology) : (用以表示适度的遗憾或道歉): 'Can you lend me a pound?'— ,(尸 m) S~, but I can't.' ' 你能借给我一镑钱吗?'一'抱歉,我无能为力。点 excuse1 (3), pardon (2). 3 (attrib) (形容用法) (-ier, -iest) pitiful: 可怜的: in a ~ state; 处于可怜的状况; worthless; shabby: 无价値的; 不体面的: a ~ excuse. 理由不充足的借口。




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