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单词 patch
patch/pætʃ/ n [-es / ɪz/]; vt [-es / ɪz/]

n (1)补丁(片、块) (small piece of material used to cover a hole or worn place)[C]:a coat with~es on the elbow肘部有补丁的外衣;a~on the inner tube of a tyre 车轮内胎上的补丁;The child's jeans had a~at the knee. 那孩子的牛仔裤膝部打了个补丁。

(2)眼罩 (protected paddressingor bandage worn over a wound or an injured eye)[C]:an eye~眼罩:She wore a black~over her left eye. 她左眼戴着黑色的眼罩。

(3)(与周围不同的)斑块(点) (small area on a surface that differs from or contrasts with what surrounds it)[C]:a~of blue sky 一片蓝天;a wet~on the wall 墙上的一块湿迹;a dog with a white~on its neck 脖子上有一块白毛的狗;The poem is good in~es. 这首诗中有些诗句还不错。

(4)小块土地,小片地区 (small piece of land or area)[C]:a vegetable/a potato~一小片菜/马铃薯地;a~of green grass 一块绿色草坪;There's been no trouble on his~for weeks. 在他的管区有好几个星期没出什么事端。We know every house in the~. 我们熟悉这个地区的每所房子。〖同〗lot,field,area,zone,spot,plot;

(5)小块(片) (small piece of sth)[C][N(of)]: a~of ice (on the road)/sunlight/hope (路上的)一片碎冰/一线阳光/一线希望;The last~es of snow melted on the field. 田野里最后的几处残雪融化了。The wall was wet in~es. 墙上湿了一块又一块。

(go through hit strike etc) a bad patch (处于)不幸或倒霉的时期;(遭遇)困难:Business is in/has hit/has struck a bad~. 生意遇到麻烦。

not be a patch on sb/sth 远不如……(infml):He is not a~on his predecessor in the post. 他远不如他的前任。

→′patchwrok n补缀物;百衲;拼凑;

vt 打补丁 (cover or mend with a patch or patches)[T+nT+n+adv(up)]:~a hole in one's jeans在牛仔裤的破洞上打个补丁;a small sail all torn and~ed 打满补丁的小破帆;They~ed the leaking roof. 他们修补了漏雨的屋顶。His trousers were~ed up, and he was ashamed of them.他的裤子打了补丁,他穿着觉得不好意思。〖同〗mend, cover, repair, fix;

patch up(v adv) 1) (迅速或临时)修补 (vt):He~ed up the leaking faucet and hurried away.他草草地修了修漏水的水龙头就匆匆地走了。2)调停,解决(纠纷等):They soon~ed up their disagreement. 他们很快就解决了分歧。





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