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单词 win


1.conquer,get the better of征服,打败。
△1H.IV.5.4.37:“But mine (i.e. my vicitim) I am sure thou art,whoe'er thou be,/And thus I win thee.”但是,无论你是谁,我相信你是属于我了,我就这样打败你。
2. conquer,get possession of攻取,占有。
△1H.VI.4.3.45: “Maine,Blois,Poitiers,and Tours,are won away,”缅因,布洛瓦,波亚叠和都尔都一一被占。
3. conquer,move征服,感动。
△Tw. 2.5.108 (95):“This wins him,liver and all.”这可把他打动了,肝和一切。4. prevail with by persuasion说服。
△3H.VI.1.2.60:“Brother,I go; I'll win them,fear it not.”兄长,我就去;我会说服他们,不必担心。
~ vi. profit得益。
△H.VIII.3.2. 445 (444): “Corrup-tion wins not more than honesty.”邪恶并不会比诚实获得更多的好处。
Phrase and Expression:
Win me and wear me: (a current saying of knight-hood) Conquer me and brag of your victory(骑士制度的口头禅)“打败了我,我的盔甲让你穿;”
△Ado. 5.1.82:“Win me and wear me; let him answer me.”打败了我,我的盔甲让你穿;让他对我应战。
win of: get the better of战胜,打败。
△H.VIII.5.1.58:“Sir,I did never win of you before.”陛下,我过去可从来没有赢过你。


◇ win by 获胜
win by a neck 稍胜 win hands down 轻易获胜
win in a canter 轻易获胜
win in a walk (breeze)轻易获胜
win one’s laurels 博得荣誉
win one’s spurs 立功成名
win out 最后获胜
win out over 胜过
win over (round)争取过来
win sb. over by any means 笼络
win sth. from sb.赢得
win the day 打胜
win through(经过困难)获胜,攀登
win up 上马,起立,赢得
‖ win a bid 中标
win a lawsuit 胜诉
win a prize at a lottery 中彩
win a prize 得奖
win above game 全胜
win-back program 赢回
win by a fall 绝对胜利
win by a knockout 击倒对方而取胜
win by a nose 侥幸取胜
win by decision 得分,胜利
win by retirement 因对方弃权而取胜
win going away 轻易取胜
win honour,make contributions,do a deed of merit 立功
win of time 赢得时间
win on points 得分取胜
win the ball 抢到球
win the contract 夺标
win the day 打胜
win the National Gold Prize 获国家金奖
win the sprint抢得中线球
win-win co-operation 强强联手
win-win situation 双赢
won-lost percentage 胜负比率
winning ball 关键球
winning candidate 当选者
winning chance取胜机会
winning event group 制胜类项群
winning hit 决定胜负的一击
winning line 终点线
winning percentage 获胜率
winning pitcher 胜队投手
winning position 取胜局面
winning post 终点柱
winning prize 优胜奖
winning round 胜局
winning run 决定胜负的一分
winning shot 决定胜负的一击
winning side 胜方
winning streak 一连串的胜利
winning team 胜队
winning the exchange 兑子得分
winner of a lawsuit 胜诉人
winner of special government allowance政府特殊津贴获得者
winners’ pedestal 受奖台,成功





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