拍手叫好拍手称好;拍手喊好pāi shǒu jiào hǎocheer and acclaim; clap one’s hands and applaud; clap one’s hands appreciatively; give cheers to; shout (/yell) approval (/plaudits/bravos) ❍ 在场的许多学生禁不住拍手喊好。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》94)This brought applause and exclamations of admiration from quite a number of the boys. ❍ 老蔡喜冲冲的扬起一只手儿说: “报告你们好消息,咱们各地方都打了胜仗;……”满屋子的人都~。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》272) He waved his arm vigorously. “I’ve good news.”he shouted. “We’ve been victorious on every front!… ”Cheers and wild applause greeted his announce ment. ❍ 听得谁都笑哈哈了,一齐~。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》211) The guests chuckled and clapped their hands appreciatively. ❍ 自卫队都~。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》12)…while the militia shouted approval. 拍手叫好pāi shǒu jiào hǎo形容拍着桌子,大声叫好。clap and cheer, clap one’s hands in applause, clap and shout bravo |