煮[煑]zhǔ (把食物等放在有水的锅里烧) boil; cook; stew: 清 ~ boil in water without garnish [condiment]; ~ 饺子 cook dumplings; ~ 鸡蛋 boil eggs; ~ 咖啡 stew coffee; 米饭没 ~ 透。 The rice is not thoroughly boiled. ◆煮豆燃箕 boil beans with beanstalks — reference to a fight among brothers; fight against one's own men; a quarrel among brothers in the same family; burn beanstalk to cook beans — fratricidal strife; make a fire of beanstalks for boiling beans — fraternal persecution; 煮沸 boiling; elixation; coction; boil; 煮鹤焚琴 cook the crane for meat and burn a stringed instrument for fuel — destroy sth. valuable or fine; 煮茧 cocoon cooking; 煮呢 {纺} crabbing; roll boil ̄ ing; potting; 煮熟 cook thoroughly |