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单词 breach
释义 breach /brut/; britj/ n 1 breaking or neglect (of a rule, duty, agreement, etc): 违犯; 怠忽; 破坏 (与 of 连用,后接规则、职责、契约等):a ~ of the peace, unlawful fighting in a public place, eg the streets; 在公共场所 (如街头) 打架; 妨害治安; 骚动; 。 -of contract (in comm, etc); (商业上等之) 违约 (违反契约上的规定); 。~ n promise (esp of a promise to marry); 背约; 毁约 (尤指婚约); a ~ of faith, act of disloyalty; 不忠的行为; a ~时 confidence; 泄密的行为、 a ~ of security. 违反安全的行为。 2 opening, esp one made in a defensive wall, etc by artillery, attacking forces, etc: 防御工事等为敌人炮火所穿之破洞; 突破口: step into/fill the ~, come forward to help; 上前麻助; throw/fling oneself into the ~, help those who are in trouble or danger; 救人于危难之境; 救人于水火之中; stand in the ~, bear the heaviest part of the attack; do most of the hard work. 承担最猛烈的攻击; 独当难局; 做大部份的困难工作; 挑重担。 3 broken place; gap: 破洞; 缺口; 裂缝; 缝隙: The sheep got out of the field after one of them had made a ~ in the hedge.— 只羊在篱笆上弄了一个洞, 所有的羊都从牧地跑走了。 The waves made a ~ in the sea wall. 海浪在防波堤上冲出了一个缺口。 vt [VP6A] make a gap in, break through (a defensive wall, etc). 冲破; 突破 (防御工事等) 。




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