扫(掃)sǎo ❶ (扫除; 打扫) sweep; clear away: ~ 雪 sweep away the snow; 没有扫帚我无法 ~。 I can't sweep without a broom. 他们在把小径上的枯树叶 ~ 在一起。 They were sweeping up the dead leaves from the paths. ❷ (很快地左右移动) pass quickly along or over; sweep: 他向人群 ~ 了一眼。 He swept his eyes over the crowd. 探照灯光 ~ 过夜空。 The searchlights swept across the night sky. ❸ (归拢在一起) put all together: ~ 数归还 the whole amount returned 另见 see also sào。 ◆扫除 cleaning; cleanup; clear away; remove; wipe out; 扫荡 mop up; wipe out; 扫地 sweep the floor; reach rock bottom; reach an all-time low; be dragged in the dust; 扫地出门 drive sb. out of his house and deprive him of everything; be swept out like rubbish; drive out sb. in dire poverty; eject sb. from the house; force a family to leave their home without taking anything with them; 扫地以尽 be thrown away and swept clean; (of one's dignity, prestige, fame) to be swept away [destroyed]; the forfeit of dignity and prestige; 扫海船 sweeper; 扫黄 wipe out pornography; crack down pornography; crack down pornographic products or publications; antipornography campaign; 扫黄运动 anti-porn drive; 扫雷 mine sweeping; mine clearance; sweep; 扫路车 sweeping machine; 扫路机 motor sweeper; broom; road sweeper; street sweeper; 扫掠 {电子} scanner; scan; sweep; trace; setarch; scaning; 扫盲 eliminate illiteracy; wipe out illiracy; 扫描 scan; scanning; scansion; sweep; exploring; 扫墓 sweep a grave; pay respects to a dead person at his tomb; visit grave; 扫频 sweep frequency; 扫平 put down; crush; suppress; 扫清 clear away; 扫射 {军} strafe; swinging traverse; rake; 扫视 run down; 扫数归公 The entire amount was contributed to [confiscated for] the public.; 扫尾 wind up; round off; complete the last stage of the work; 扫兴 have one's spirits dampened; feel disappointed; 扫兴而归 come back [return] disappointed; 扫雪板 flanger; 扫雪车 snow removal truck
扫(掃)sào(构词成分): ~ 帚 [- zhou] broom; besom; handbroom 另见 see also sǎo。 ◆扫帚把 broomstick; 扫帚病 witches' broom; broom ̄ing disease; 扫帚花 escobita; 扫帚刷 broom; 扫帚星 {天} comet; 扫帚须芒草 prairie beardgrass |