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infervt. 1.adduce,allege,bring forward 引证、断言,提出。 △3H.VI.2.2.43:“Full well hath Clifford played theorator,/Inferring arguments of mighty force.”克利福说起话来真是滔滔雄辩,提出一条又一条强有力的理由 △3H.VI.3.1.49: “Inferreth arguments of mightystrength,”提出许多强有力的理由。 △ R.III.3.5.73 (74):“There,at your meet’st advantage of the time,/ In-fer the bastardy of Edward’s children:”到那里,你找一个最恰当的时机,提出爱德华的孩子们的私生子身份。 △R.III.4.4.344 (343): “Infer fair England’s peace by this alli-ance.”可以提出由于联姻而为美丽的英格兰所导致的和平。 2. assert,state宣称,陈述。 △R.III.5.3.315 (314):“What shall I say,more than I have inferred?”除了我所陈述过的以外,我还要说什么呢? 3. comment on,mention评论到,提到。 △ R.III.3.7.12: “Withal,I did infer your lineaments,/ Being theright idea of your father,”此外,我还提到你的相貌,长得同你的父亲一模一样。 4. imply,suggest,show,demonstrate意味着,启发,显示,表明。 △2H.IV.5.5.14 (12): “But ’tis no matter,this poor show doth better,this doth infer the zeal Ihad to see him.”不过这没关系,这样穿戴寒伧倒更好,这表明我急于要见他的热忱。 △R.III. 3.7.32: “Thus saith theDuke; thus hath the Duke inferred—”,公爵这样说;公爵已经这样启示。 infer[inˈfə:]v.推论,推断,推测 ‖ inference n. ◇by inference根据推理 inference rules推理法则 inference by added determinants附加性推理 inference by analogy类比推理 inference by complex conception复杂概念推理 inference by confirmation确证推理 inference of compound judgment复合判断推理 inferences of facts事实推理 inferential adj.推论(上)的 inferential aspect推论体 inferential measurement推理估测 inferential procedure推论程序 inferential schema推理图式 inferential statistics推论统计学 |