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单词 手足无措

手足无措shǒu zú wú cuò

all in a fluster; be at a loss what to do; be at one’s wits’ end;be bewildered; become (/get)confused; be ill at ease;be thrown into a panic; discomposed
❍ 小邵这才恍然,~地看着童翻译: “可——可这——” (张骏祥、赵拓《白求恩大夫》) Shao at last understands. In consterna tion,he protests to Tong: “But,but…”/上自王后,下至弄臣,看见这情形,都不觉~。(鲁迅《故事新编·铸剑》 81) From the queen down to the court jester,all were thrown into a panic.
❍ 他看见同志们一个个~的样子,继续鼓起眼睛瞪着大家。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》455)The commander glared at the men,who stood around awkwardly.
❍ 我连忙拿来备用水尺,但风浪太大,接连两次都被冲倒了。我弄得~。(《碧水长流·海的呼吸》99) I hastily fetched the spare one,but the gale was still so fierce that the waves knocked it over twice when I tried to install it. I was at my wits'end.
❍ 那人先自唬的~,见这般势派,知道难逃公道,只得跪下给贾琏碰头,口口声声只叫: “老太爷! 别生气! ……”(《红楼梦》1245)Nearly paralysed with fright by this show of power,the fellow knew that there was no escape and dropping to his knees kowtowed to Jia Lian. “Don’t be angry,Your Lordship!” he begged.
❍ 上自王后, 下至弄臣,也都恍然大悟,仓皇散开,急得~,各自转了四五个圈子。(鲁迅《故事新编·铸剑》88) From the queen down to the court jester,all were seized by con sternation. They scattered in panic,at a loss,run ning round in circles.
❍ 然而我倒并不怎样的~,因为这时我的脑子里浮出了一幅图画,那是陀密埃的‘法官’,其使我赞叹! (《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—202) But I didn’t lose myhead because at that moment a picture came into my mind,a picture called The Judges by Honore Daumier. How brilliantly he did it!/弟子二人不敢近身,只虔立于阶下,面面相觑,手足无所措。(郭沫若《屈原》62) His two pupils dare not approach him,but stand at the foot of the steps,looking at each other,not knowing what to do.
❍ 大家显出苦脸来了,有些人还似乎~。(鲁迅《故事新编·出关》98)Signs of distresswere apparent on every face. Some seemed not to know where to put their hands and feet.


be at a loss as to what to do;cause consternation;in helpless confusion;all in a fluster
吓得~ be helpless with fear

手足无措shǒu zú wú cuò

措:安放。手足不知道放在哪里。比喻慌张得不知如何是好。all in a fluster, lose oneself





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