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单词 家庭

家庭jiā tínɡFamily

家庭jiā tínɡFamily

表姐妹 [biǎo jiě mèi] maternal female cousin
表兄弟 [biǎo xiōnɡ dì] maternal cousin
伯父 [bó fù] elder uncle
长女 [zhǎnɡ nǚ] eldest daughter
长子 [zhǎnɡ zǐ] eldest son
次女 [cì nǚ] second daughter
次子 [cì zǐ] second son
弟弟 [dì dì] younger brother
独生女 [dú shēnɡ nǚ] only daughter
儿媳 [ér xí] daughter-in-law (pl. daughters-in-law)
儿子 [ér zi] son
父亲 [fù qīn] daddy; father
干女儿 [ɡān nǚ ér] adopted daughter
哥哥 [ɡē ɡē] elder brother
姑母 [ɡū mǔ] paternal aunt
孩子 [hái zi] child
继父 [jì fù] step father
继母 [jì mǔ] step mother
继女 [jì nǚ] step daughter
继子 [jì zǐ] step son
教父 [jiào fù] godfather
教母 [jiào mǔ] godmother
教女 [jiào nǚ] goddaughter
教子 [jiào zǐ] godson
姐姐 [jiě jie] elder sister
姐妹 [jiě mèi] sister
舅父 [jiù fù] maternal uncle
妹妹 [mèi mèi] younger sister
母亲 [mǔ qīn] mom; mother; mummy
女儿 [nǚ ér] daughter
女婿 [nǚ xù] son-in-law (pl. sons-in-law)
妻子 [qī zi] wife
甥女婿 [shēnɡ nǚ xù] niece’s husband
叔父 [shū fù] uncle
孙女 [sūn nǚ] granddaughter
孙女婿 [sūn nǚ xù] granddaughter’s husband
孙媳妇 [sūn xí fù] grandson’s wife
孙子 [sūn zi] grandson
堂姐妹 [tánɡ jiě mèi] paternal female cousin
堂兄 [tánɡ xiōnɡ] cousin
堂兄弟 [tánɡ xiōnɡ dì] paternal cousin
外祖父 [wài zǔ fù] maternal grandfather
外祖母 [wài zǔ mǔ] maternal grandmother
兄弟 [xiōnɡ dì] brother
养父 [yǎnɡ fù] adopted father
养母 [yǎnɡ mǔ] adopted/foster mother
养女 [yǎnɡ nǚ] foster daughter
养子 [yǎnɡ zǐ] foster son
姨妈 [yí mā] aunt
姨母 [yí mǔ] mother’s sister
姻亲姐妹 [yīn qīn jiě mèi] sister-in-law (pl. sisters-in-law)
姻亲兄弟 [yīn qīn xiōnɡ dì] brother-in-law (pl. brothers-in-law)
幼女 [yòu nǚ] youngest daughter
幼子 [yòu zǐ] youngest son
岳父 [yuè fù] father-in-law (pl. fathers-in-law)
岳母 [yuè mǔ] mother-in-law (pl. mothers-in-law)
曾孙 [zēnɡ sūn] great grandson
丈夫 [zhànɡ fū] husband
侄女 [zhí nǚ] niece
侄女婿 [zhí nǚ xù] niece’s husband
侄孙 [zhí sūn] grandnephew
侄孙女 [zhí sūn nǚ] grand niece
侄媳妇 [zhí xí fù] nephew’s wife
侄子 [zhí zi] nephew
祖父 [zǔ fù] grandfather
祖母 [zǔ mǔ] grandmother






关心~的人family man/核心~ nuclearfamily (一对夫妻和一两个子女组成的小家庭)/~经营的积极性 (peasant)initiative in household management of production/~背景family background/~暴力family violence/~成员family members/~出身family origin;class status of one’s family/~负担family responsibilities; family burden /~负担沉重heavy family burden/~妇女housewife;nonworking mother,home-maker; full-time mother;home-working mom;home-employed mother/~副业household sideline occupation /~副业生产household sideline production /~教师private teacher;tutor/~教育family education;home education /~经济困难的学生needy students /~纠纷family quarrel; domestic discord/ ~美德 family virtues/~生活home life;family life/~影院home theater/~用语familial language/~作业homework





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