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❶ (防备;警惕) guard against: 力 ~ 浮夸 strictly avoid boasting and exaggeration;~ 骄 ~ 躁 guard against arrogance and rashness;be on one's guard against conceit and impetuosity
❷ (警告;劝告) exhort;admonish;warn: 引以为 ~ take warning from sth.;take sth. as an object lesson
❸ (戒除) give up;drop;stop: ~ 荤腥 go on a vegetarian diet;~ 酒 stop drinking;~ 烟 give up smoking Ⅱ ❶ (佛教戒律) Buddhist monastic discipline: 受 ~ attain the full status of a monk or nun
❷ (戒指) (finger) ring: 钻 ~ diamond ring
◆戒备 guard;take precautions;be on the alert;keep a sharp lookout;exercise vigilance;
戒尺 [旧] teacher's ruler for beating pupils;plamer;
戒除 give up;drop;leave off;stop;withdrawal;
戒骄戒躁 be on guard against conceit and impetuosity;avoid conceit and impetuosity;guard against arrogance and impetuosity [conceit and rashness;arrogance and rashness;pride and haste;conceit and impatience];shun complacency and impetuosity;
戒律 {宗} religious discipline;commandment;precept;
戒奢崇俭 refrain from luxury and uphold frugality;
戒心 vigilance;wariness;alertness;
戒烟戒酒 discontinue the habit of smoking and drinking;abstain from tobacco and drink;stop smoking and refrain from drinking;
戒严 enforce martial law;impose a curfew;cordon off an area;
式严令 Martial Law;Order of Martial;
戒斋沐浴 fast and bathe oneself;
戒指 ring


Buddhist monastic discipline






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