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单词 wretch


1. miserable creature,one who is extremely unhappy可怜虫,苦命人。
△Lr.3.4.28: “Poor naked wretches,”衣不蔽体的可怜人。
△Lr.3.4.34: “Expose thyself tofeel what wretches feel,”让你们自己也暴露在外面,去体验一下苦命人的感受。
△Lr.4.6.209 (204): “A sight mostpitiful in the meanest wretch,”最下贱的可怜虫落到这种地步,也是顶叫人怜悯的了。
△2H.IV.1.1.140:“And as thewretch whose fever-weakened joints,/ Like strength-less hinges. buckle under life,”像一个可怜虫.被热病缠得骨节软弱的可怜虫.像松垮无力的门枢,在生存重担之下压得弯腰屈身。
△H.V.1.2.241: “We are no tyrant,but aChristian king,/ Unto whose grace our passion is assubject / As is our wretches fettered in our prisons;”i. e. As the miserable creatures held in chains in ourprisons are subject to the jailers. 我并不是暴君.而是一位信奉基督的国王,我的喜怒情感都受制于我的宽仁之心,正如我们那些犯了罪的可怜虫要被戴上脚镣关进监狱一样。
△H.V.4.3.87:“where,wretches,their poor bodies / Must lieand fester.”至于他们这些可怜虫的身体,就只好躺在这里烂掉了。
△1H.VI.2.3.44:“Laughest thou,wretch? Thymirth shall turn to moan.”你还笑吗,可怜虫? 你的欢笑很快就变成哀号。
△2H.VI.3.1.210: “And as the butchertakes away the calf,/ And binds the wretch,”就像屠夫拉走小牛,把这个可怜东西绑起来。
2. despicable. base character 卑鄙下贱的人。
△Tw.4.1.51 (47):“Ungracious wretch,”无礼的东西。
△Lr.3.2.51:“Tremble. thou wretch”,发抖吧,你这坏蛋。
△ Oth.1.1.115(114):“What profane wretch art thou?”你是什么样的一个渎神的下贱东西?
△ Oth.4.2.14 (15):“Ifany wretch have put this in your head.”如有什么卑鄙小人把这种念头放进你的头脑。
3.(term expressing abhorence) hateful or abominableperson,bad fellow (表示憎恶之词)可恶的人,坏家伙。
△R.III.4.4.137: “O,she that might have intercep-ted thee,/ By strangling thee in her accursed womb,/From all the slaughters,wretch,that thou hast done!”啊,就是她,她早该把你,坏东西,在她那可诅咒的肚子里就掐死,好拦截住你进行的那一切屠杀!
4. (term of endearment mingled with pity) poor dear(爱怜的称呼)可怜的乖.小可怜。
△Ham.2.2.168: “Butlook where sadly the poor wretch comes reading.” 看我那可怜的孩子愁眉不展地看着书走来了。
△Oth.3.3.90: “Excellent wretch!” 多好的乖!
△ R.III.2.2.6:“And call us orphans,wretches. castaways.”把我们叫做孤儿、小可怜儿、天不收地不留的孩子。


adj.可怜的,可耻的 n.无赖,流氓
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