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单词 outside
outsiden/ ͵aʊt′saɪd/ adj /′aʊtsaɪd/ [无comp]; prep & adv / ͵aʊt′saɪd/

n (1)外面(部)(outer surface)[Cthe~,通常sing]:The~of the house was painted white.那所房子的外部被粉刷成白色。His coat was wool on the~,fur on the inside.他的大衣面儿是毛料的,里子是毛皮。Although Alice was angry inside,she did not show it on the~.(fig) 尽管艾丽斯内心生气,但外表并没有显露出来。This door opens from the~only.这扇门只能从外边开。〖反〗inside,centre;

(2)与某建筑物等接近的地方(area or space that is close to a building)[Cthesing]:He was walking round the~of the house.他在房子周围散步。

at the (very) outside 至多,充其量: There have been civilized men for about eight thousand years at the~.文明人的历史充其量不过8000年左右。

adj (1)外部(面)的;对着外面的(ofon or facing the outer part of anything)[作 attrib]:an~wrapping/door/appearance/wall/line/lane 外包装/开门/观/墙/线(指电话)/侧行车道;~measurements/repairs 外部的量度/修理;〖同〗outer,external,outward;〖反〗inside,inner,inward,internal;

(2)不在主建筑物内的,外面的(not in the main building;external)[作attrib]:an~lavatory/swimming pool 房外厕所/室外游泳池;~broadcast 实况广播;

(3)集团(组织)外的,外界的(originatingcoming fromor situated beyond given limits;from some other placepersongroupetc)[作attrib]:~influences/help/interests 外界的影响/外界的帮助/外部利益集团;They blamed the riot on~agitators.他们把骚乱归咎于外来煽动者。The old lady doesn't like meeting the~world.那位老太太不愿意见外人。

(4)几乎不可能的,很微小的((of a chancepossibilityetc) very small):an~possibility 极其微小的可能性;He has an~chance of winning the race.他赢得这场比赛的机会微乎其微。

(5)最大量(数)的,最大限度的,极端的(extreme;maximum)[作attrib]:an~estimate/price 最高估计/价格;October was set as the~date.10月被确定为最后的日期。

prep(=AmE outside of)(1)在或向……的外面(on or to the outer side of sth):Put the notice~the door.把通知贴在门外。We were not allowed to go~the grounds. 不许我们走出院子。

(2)超出……的范围(beyond the limits of sth):He has no work~working hours/his teaching.他业余时间/除了教书之外不担任其他工作。No-one~the family knew of the affair.非本家族成员谁也不知道这件事。Those services lie~the common routine.那些服务项目不在规定之列。~sb's experience/sb's area of responsibility 不在某人的经验/责任之列;〖反〗within;

(3)除了……之外(except):no information~the figures given 除去已知数字之外,没有其他资料;He has few hobbies or interests~golf and gardening.他除了打高尔夫球和种花外,没有别的嗜好或兴趣。

adv (1)在(向)外面(on or to the outside):wait/play~in the corridor 在外边走廊等候/玩;He better sees who stands~than they who in procession ride.旁观者清,当事者迷。go~for a smoke/to enjoy the sun 到外面去吸烟/晒晒太阳;〖反〗inside;

(2)在户外(露天地)(outdoors;in the open air):The dog is~in the garden.狗在外面花园里。O~there was a tremendous sea on.港口外波涛汹涌。

→out′sider n(局)外人;不大可能获胜的竞争者





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